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I know one of the signature says "showa spring" but what is the author's name ? Thanks for the help of translation and my God is nihonto addictive? I picked up a set of Nihonto just last month and now i stuck knees deep researching about these things at 3 in the morning




Thank you very much Jacque, i am again amazed at how fast this forum responds and the wealth of informations avaliable. Are there any significance to this particular smith and "railroad steel" blade? For $50 i dont think i can lose out anything. With further research this seemed to be a blade made by Manchurian railroad company as indicated by http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~t-ohmura/gunto_114.htm, not a nihonto by any traditional sense but a piece of history nevertheless


thanks Brian, forgot about that. I texted the seller hoping he would have rest of the fitting. We'll see though. The pictures ive got from his online ad does not look too good due to the excessive lighting :freak:


I collect Japanese navy swords and daggers and show and ask about them if I want too , the same can You.

But in here there is more nihonto collectors than us showato collectors , there is always wma forum with Japanese navy and army ww2 .


Here's another link about Koa-Isshin Mantetsu. They weren't actually made of rail steel, although the steel for them was produced by the same factory that did. While not true gendaito they seem to be the best quality non-traditionally made swords during Showa period that you're likely to find.








sorry, at the time of posting i thought the blade was a Gandaito. Anyway looks like someone had a steal (steel) at $50, if only i had done my homeworks faster. The same gentleman selling the blade has 6 more Nihon-to but from his pics it looks like a majority is in WWII mountings and he's more than 2 hours away

sorry, at the time of posting i thought the blade was a Gandaito. Anyway looks like someone had a steal (steel) at $50, if only i had done my homeworks faster. The same gentleman selling the blade has 6 more Nihon-to but from his pics it looks like a majority is in WWII mountings and he's more than 2 hours away

Off you go :shock:

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