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hello, I got this katakiriha zukuri blade with signature on its side above the shinogi, it is most likely says:



ashū kaibu ju ujitsugu


and perhaps from 1670's ???


I aim to find out more about this nice sword by translating the saya gaki, if anyone could translate it would be great ,also why is the signature on the blade and not on the tang? it is very strange



Peter G.








Thanks Geraint for the message, but unfortunately I did not come much closer why they signed on the blade and what the sayagaki says, but thanks for the link, helped a little. The blade is flawless by the way and in mint polish, very nice piece.



Peter G.


The paper on the saya (not a sayagaki) just says it is katakiriba and the period of manufacture. I will let you work that out (the last two kanji before the last kanji (year 年)


thank you for the info and the forced lesson, but I can not figure out the 3rd kanji from the back, is this Shoho era, the second kanji looks like it, but these writing are never like in a book, they do differ.

Anyone any thoughts why it is signed on the blade?

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