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wow, I had looked at the one by possservice and let Deron know about it. Notice it has a different mimi. What leads me to believe the former is not a mass produced piece was the copper spacer in the ana. However the texture on both seem to be quite identical, are they both cast? is the later made from the former. What came first the chicken or the egg? :oops:


while ole Po has interesting stuffs.............I would be extremely careful about these TWO tsuba.

What's the chance of " big name " tsuba of identical design on auctions at the same time.

Quoting Dirty Harry.............. " do you feel lucky today ? "


p.s. by the way, I have seen this design on e-bay more than once over the years.

milt the ronin


the texture, the lumps and bumps on the plates are the same, the mei looks bad, as does the tsuba, the rope mimi is rubbish, anyone can add sekigane to a tsuba.


These are both mass produced trinkets in my opinion, shiiremono. Milt is on the money with the big name theory as well.



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