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Hi Henry,


Alas, I am unable to post a photo... I believe the tsuba to be of the Ono school, but I'm wondering if it might not be an armorer's tsuba. If you'd like to see it, and are a member of the nihontostudy group in the Yahoo Groups, you can find it in my photo album under Steven_88_2000... I have two photos of it posted there... Thanks!




Hi Steve,

I have a very similar Tsuba with fine patina.It is from an old pre WWII collection.The owner believed it to be a Yagyo-Tsuba,displaying a Kuruma (wheel) or even a Omigoruma (devil's wheel).The pic is not good:there had been to much light.Ludolf



Thanks, Ludolph. A very useful photo reference. The Yagyu-Ono connection is a murky one, I think...but it would certainly seem there is a link between the tsuba in your photo and this one. Thanks again.



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