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Renew those memberships! Paypal accepted by most now.

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It is the start of a new year, and once again it is time to remind everyone to renew those memberships to the societies that do so much for us and our hobby.

If you haven't done it already, please send in that payment for your year membership. Whether it be the JSSUS, NCJSC, NBTHK, NTHK or whatever...please don't procrastinate. All of these societies work hard for us, and need our small contributions to survive. If you aren't a member of at least one of them, make sure you join now!

I have done my JSSUS one since they accept Paypal. Will be arranging my NCJSC renewal too. Don't wait....we are already into Jan. :shame:



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Brian -

Thank you so much for your continued support of the Northern California Japanese Sword Club. We welcome persons of all ages and levels of interest to our meetings, should any NMB member be coming thru San Francisco please look us up. Our little newsletter is hardly breaking new ground but we put a lot of effort into it's publication.


I have some very good news for our overseas members, we now accept Paypal! Thanks in large part to your inquiries Brian. Please follow the link below and while you are there do check out the rest of our website;





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Thank you Brian, from the JSS/US, for your note above.

Guys, please consider a membership in the JSS/US. You'll get 6 issues (usually 40 to 50 pages each) of our Newsletter and the satisfaction of knowing you're helping with our translation and publication projects (2 exciting endeavors in their infancy now). Also, the JSS/US website makes a difference. None of this is possible without members and their dues. jssus.org to sign up.


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I am so happy that Paypal links have been added to the above sites. In the past it has been problematic getting dues to the correct place in some cases and had to rely on the kindness of strangers (and who is stranger than we?). Well done and just about in time!!! John

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  • 2 years later...

Well, instead of posting a new thread, I am just going to bump up an old one and remind everyone that it is January, and time to renew those JSSUS, NCJSC, NBTHK-US etc memberships. These societies are the life blood of our hobby, and need our support.



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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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