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Hi All,


Have just picked up this blade in wakizashi mounts (tsuba posted earlier).


can i ask for help on shape identification.


is it a, Naginata naoshi, Nagamaki or Nagamaki naoshi :?:


Any help greatly appreciated.







Nagamaki naoshi (remodeled nagamaki) is the term used for a blade that has been reshaped into a katana or wakizashi, thus altering its original length and curvature ...from the Connoisseur's book of Japanese swords. by Kokan Nagayama


I was thinking along those lines and edging towards the Nagamaki for the following, probably way off reasons :?


the boshi has a turn back of about an inch


Would you get this on a naginata naoshi or a nagamaki naoshi after all the reshaping:?:


Like i say, probably way off.




Hi All,


Thanks for all your help.


I will still have to get my head around that after possible reshaping from a naginata there is an 1" Kaeri :)


Was there shape changes in naginata over the various era's :?:


Again, many thanks




The Naginata/Nagamaki one is not one of these cut and dried ones.


I believe (80% certain) that the NBTHK will only write them up as Naginata Naoshi. Kanzan sensei wrote that there is no real difference between nagamaki as we conventionally referred to them and naginata. He said that nagamaki was a term that arouse out of reference to a type of koshirae and that it is not accurate to try to distinguish between styles of naginata with this term.


That has to be confirmed, I don't have the time lately to break out the books and refresh myself. It was written up in Kanzan's sword school, which is a dialog between himself and his students (one of whom was Ogawa san who is now the curator at the Met).


Different teachers will say different things, as Nagayama sensei is quoted above for his opinion.


So on this us plebians have to be prepared to be a bit flexible when encountering the term I think...

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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