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My father recently passed away. He always had this hanging in his room and was an MP during the occupation after the war in which he stated he acquired this. I tried to translate the info but it is above my ability. I think it would be nice to learn about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated by me and my family.














Your sword is signed Bushu ju Kanetane (also read Kanetatsu).


There were two generations: the first worked around the Kanei period, the second, Kanbun.


They worked in Musashi (Edo area) but were from the Echizen Seki school.


Wow.. Thanks Chris!


So 1624 - 1673 ish.. amazing...


What does the Tsuba say? (yeah, I have been reading, at least I know the correct names ) :)

I think my dad said its not original to the sword as he may have picked it up later... not sure, he did not talk about it much.



Sorry about your loss.

Nice sword, And wonderful tsuba.


Could we get some better pics of the tsuba please.


The sword looks in good order, from what you can see. Ma be worth restoring.

Get some fine oil on it soon.


Thanks for sharing.


Mark G

I guess if it is Gimei might as well be a big name mei


cheers :beer: , yes, oil the sword, and change the oil frequently, at least once a week for the first month, wiping away the rust and grime that begins coming off, use unscented kleenex and do not rewipe with soiled tissue.


As Ludolph said,

"Hamano Naoyuki" with Kao (personal mark).


I have not compared against reference signatures, but Naoyuki is a big name. His work is usually very crisp.

First impression of the signature is that it lacks something.


Your tsuba has seen some abuse and abuse, but is a nice enough tsuba. Workmanship is better than many we see on NMB, but not what I would expect of Naoyuki.

The signature is probably gimei, but still respect the tsuba.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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