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But it wasn't only fun for everybody - the three stages (1. great party! 2. Hmmm, I feel funny 3. OMG, I'm going to die!) of getting seasick (poor Cyrus!):





Not amused by the post Guido. Not at all. Not in the slightest. :rant:


I am still in Shanghai and have yet to mail your Tenold's World famous Alphonso Paca jerky...


I may conveniently forget to send it too :glee:




Cyrus, I'm sitting next to you in all three photos, so I couldn't have taken them, now could I? I posted them by request of a third party - but don't feel any remorse since you deserve severe punishment for guilting me into opening a bag of jerky Ted had send me, and which consequently was devoured by other DTI participants. Knowing about my alpaca jerky addiction, that was extremely cruel ... :shame: ... you had it coming, dude! :badgrin:


Oh, and last year you even ate a bag that was meant for me yourself :steamed:! But since you were holding two of my Tsuba hostage at that time, I had to show patience ... :lipssealed: ...


You can, however, redeem yourself by sending me all the jerky presently in your possession. In this case I might even call back the Chinese triads that are hot on your heel as I write this ... :glee:


Just back, yesterday from Tokyo. I am one of the guilties concerning Ted's jerky; It was fantastic eating it while enjoying a few beers surrounded by lovely girls, sorry I did not take any pictures.


Nevertheless here are some from the Yakatabune party. The best ones and some movies too that you won't see are on my Ipad waiting to be posted on Facebook, unless some of the characters featured are willing to part from some of their swords for a symbolic buck... :badgrin:

Bob in an AC DC song.jpg

Clive caught red handed.jpg


Cyrus and Guido.jpg

Guido singing a Japanese love song.jpg

Our Japanese friends.jpg



Now wouldn't that be amazing. Let's buy an office in Tokyo, find a way to make this all pay the bills...and move to Japan..live happily ever after. :)



  Bugyotsuji said:
From left, erm... Mr Morita, then Mr 'Nobody' Moriyama??? :dunno:
No; not a single NMB member living in Japan attended the DTI or any of the functions. :?

The three Japanese friends in the photo are Hiroi san ,Izumi san who is Ford Hallam`s teacher and Ikeda san a renowned polisher who gave the lecture in Kamakura organised by Robert Hughes.A big thanks to Robert for organising the lecture and to Charles Coyne for showing us around Kamakura the following day.Regards,


The funny thing is that no-one here has posted much about the DTI itself. Did no-one freaking remember anything after a few drinks??!

What was the show like...what were the highlights...prices this year?......interesting purchases?...

C'mon...there must be more info than just pics of the after parties...




For the DTI itself, the exhibition was outstanding and I had the occasion to go through it with Reinhard. Splendid Hankei, outstanding Rai Kuniyuki... Kaneie and Nobuie tsubas...


Few Bizen this year, exception once again in the exhibition with an hitatsura Sukesada and a koshi no hiraita one both killers.


Juyo Rai : Kunimitsu, kunitoshi, Kunitsugu, Kuninaga on sale at good prices.


Less Foreigners.


Prices were on the decrease. business was slack compared to last year. Just got one blade that I shall post when I received it, a bargain thanks to Robert Hughes. :D


I was once told by a respected collector that I should not bother to go to Japan as I would never get to see or be offered the choice pieces.I would like to expose that myth as it is simply not true. It may take a while until the dealers recognise you and qualify you as a serious buyer and not a tyre kicker but once that occurs they will take time, share their knowledge and the very best swords will be brought out of the cupboards.This year in the week before the DTI I visited a couple of dealers I have done business with in the past .We were shown fantastic swords in quiet surrouldings with none of the pressure that goes with the show.At the DTI there are more swords under the tables than on show with the result that unless you know exactly what you want it may be missed.My recommendation is to go early and visit a few sword shops .Not only will you see more but for my part I learn more.Regards,

  Brian said:
Did no-one freaking remember anything after a few drinks??!
Well, I'm not sure what you want to hear. Maybe next year I'll make a list of all the phantastic swords and Kodôgu I saw ..? Or I scan the DTI catalog in high res, so people don't have to bother ordering one? Wait, maybe a webcam attached to my head will do the trick!
  \ said:
...prices this year?......
Not much low-end stuff anyhow' date=' but you basically can get it for a song. An acquaintance bought a decent Wakizashi with some minor ware and a very nice Koshirae for Yen 180,000.


Mid-range stuff is still reasonably priced (but here we already get into the price range of at least Yen 400,000, something only the jaded elitists on NMB are interested in).


High-end stuff is only slightly less expensive than before (if at all), but often enough openly on display - that's why I can only partially agree with what Peter wrote. Yes, there still are (and always will be) the "preferred-customer-only" items under the table, but there is no lack of Jûyô and Tokubetsu Jûyô to admire and examine. This is why *I* visit the DTI every year, i.e. the chance to study up close important swords and Kodôgu, discussing them with dealers and fellow collectors, asking questions and learning something.

  Brian said:
......interesting purchases?...
Yes, I bought two books! But then again, it already was pointed out that the main reason for my DTI attendance is the after-show booze ...


P.S.: No need for replies that start with "no need to get defensive" - I am perfectly aware of how my reply sounds, and I even was partially sober when I wrote it!

... Maybe next year I'll make a list of all the phantastic swords and Kodôgu I saw ..? Or I scan the DTI catalog in high res, so people don't have to bother ordering one? Wait, maybe a webcam attached to my head will do the trick

Yep...either....or all...of those would be fine. Thanks for the offer...will look forward to next year. ;)





Despite my best intentions I could not be bothered to go to the DTI this year :D . I had a cold on the Saturday so went kitchen shopping with the wife. I would not mind a copy of the catalog if there is one kicking around. The Friday and Sunday I was working. Mainly I was saving myself for the a day at the National museum in Tokyo. I will go next year and see everyone who probably missed me this year 8) .


That's my report on the DTI.

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