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Show Stamp Nakago - Asano Kanesane blade?


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As a new member to this forum, I am hoping to expand my knowledge of Japanese swords. Currently I have been struggling to learn/positively identify nakago signatures. I have attached a few photos of my newest find. I am hoping some of the members can help me correctly ID this signature. The tang has a showa stamp and the signature looks like that of Asano Kanesane. Am I correct in my ID? The blade is in poor condition and shows signs of an amateur polishing (quite possible a steel-wool scrubbing). The file marks are of takanoha pattern, forming a V shape. It appears somebody has drilled out the original mekugi ana and then added a new hole (of smaller diameter) further forward. Any help in ID would be greatly appreciated, I look forward to being a member of this forum.

Thank you,






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Thank you for the fast reply.

Nagamaki, I have a copy of Fuller & Gregory and that is what I was able to use to narrow down the oshigata. I appreciate the guidance.

Stephen, I have found Stein's website a useful tool as well. Thank you.


I think Slough's book will be the next addition to my library. Thank you for all the insight and guidance.

-George K

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