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I can assure you we are all enjoying your stories immensely. Please don't stop, and feel free to veer off in any direction you like. I love this part of forums, and I am sure everyone else here does too. Don't mistake silence while eagerly awaiting the next installment for disinterest. You have a very captivated audience here.


Loving it.




Indeed and as I do with all folks elder than myself in ANY field of interest please -please write down all your thoughts and anything you can remember from the past - if not - all this information will be lost forever and TRUST me it will always be of interest to someone, sometime.


I have all my nihonto and no kids anywhere interested in it so what do I do with it - I also kept all my forefathers medals, and militaria from both world wars and had it all mounted because some time after I leave this earth it would otherwise end up in the dump - gone forever.


Elders often have insight and views that have been learned and tempered with years of interaction and really have to be kept for posterity.


Keep on going - take your time


Thank you Ed M., Curran, Brian, Jean, Dr. B.


[sidebar]I found it quite difficult to effectively study Nihontô in those days. There were only two books in English available to me: "NIPPON-TÔ: THE Japanese SWORD" by Inami Hakusui and "THE SAMURAI SWORD, A Handbook" by John Yumoto (I read and re-read both of those books from cover to cover many times). Of course there was no Internet -- no opportunity to glean information or interchange ideas online as we do here. My Japanese associates and friends at Yokota helped me as much as they could -- although the sword terminology/nomenclature and the sword and Origami kanji letterforms were often not familiar to them -- however, they were sometimes helpful in interpreting Japanese text for me -- and were always forthcoming. I did have one thing going for me though -- I had by now examined hundreds of Nihontô blades as a result of visiting every sword shop I could find during my journeys from Tachikawa City to the Japan Sword Shop.


I still did most of my research at the Japan Sword Shop -- I had established a comfort zone there and I was by now a familiar face -- at least I thought and hoped I was. One big attraction for me was that I could communicate very well with Inami-san through the sales clerk. I found that very little English was spoken in any of the other sword shops and, my Japanese being as poor as it was at that time, I had difficulty communicating my desires or consummating purchases, although I did buy several Koshirae items on occasion.


I now set about planning my next big project: A Katana blade housed in a Shirasaya with accompanying selected koshirae in a buke-zukuri (Tsunagi blade) mounting (using the original Katana saya)-- to be displayed on a traditional Japanese sword stand.




[sidebar]TIME AND MONEY: Of course I had an Air Force job to perform that was often quite time consuming so I wasn't dashing off to sword shops all the time -- only when off-duty time and my commitments to my family (I was serving an accompanied tour of duty with a wife and two young daughters) permitted. And money was also a limiting factor in my Nihontô pursuits. Although the prices of swords and Koshirae in Japan at that time (early 1960s) may seem ridiculously low when compared to present day prices, 36,000 yen=$100 (my usual bankroll for major Nihontô purchases) was a significant expenditure for me at that time.


The Project:


I consulted with Inami-san regarding the selection and purchase of the Katana blade in an existing buke-zukuri mount after explaining the project to him including my budget. (72,000 yen=$200). He selected a nice but undistinguished, and unsigned, Edo period blade -- without any problems and with handsome Hada and a really nice Hamon -- but in old polish -- soundly buke-zukuri mounted. The blade was to be re-polished and a new Shirasaya made for it. The existing mounting was to be disassembled, the previously purchased and carefully matched Koshirae installed on the freshly skinned and wrapped Tsuka and the whole assembly affixed to a newly made Tsunagi. The project was finished in a few weeks with the workmanship being of the highest quality and I was extremely pleased at how it turned out. The only hitch was the display stand. Inami-san brought out a deer antler sword stand (the antlers mounted on a carved wooden block base) explaining that rural Samurai in olden times would often use such a stand in preference to the usual lacquered ones. Inami-san waxed eloquent about its merits and obviously wanted me to buy it. I didn't have the heart to reject it, so I bought it, although I never did use it for my display opting instead for a traditional lacquered stand I purchased at another shop. I did cherish that deer antler stand though and proudly displayed my Wakizashi on it.




There were some other US Military people interested in Nihontô -- I ran into a few of them from time to time at the Japan Sword shop. My boss, a Major, became so interested that he ended up buying a very nice, fully mounted, Koto Wakizashi (I had accompanied him to the Japan Sword shop and introduced him to Inami-san). He also bought a nice old display stand and I believe assembled a fine collection of Tsuba. Before I departed Japan I sold three Wakizashi's, my Katana display and most of my Koshirae collection to other servicemen who had developed an interest in Nihontô -- I cannot remember who they were -- my memory has dimmed so much with the passage of time. I really regret doing that now -- I was buying a new car for our return to the US and needed the money -- but in retrospect it was a bad mistake. I did bring my Norimitsu Wakizashi back with me, I simply couldn't part with it, but I sadly did eventually sell it (or rather traded it) as I mentioned earlier, also to my everlasting regret. I don't remember what happened to my books, etc. When I parted with the Norimitsu Wakizashi I determined to blot Nihontô out of my mind for the memories of what I had lost were too painful. That worked pretty well until recently (and until I discovered this Forum) but now in my dotage I am once again entranced.


Of course, I had to buy books and purchase at least one (I wonder?) sword -- and I recently did just that: a nice (but undistinguished) in a Tantô Shirasaya. I have never owned a Tantô until now -- I will describe it later. Of course, I have to resurrect my Nihonto interest modestly -- I don't wish to appear morbid, but I am now 82 years old with some severe medical problems and, while I do not intend to "shuffle off this mortal coil" in the immediate future, I do not want to burden my survivors with more eclectic flotsam to dispose of.





I am truly enjoying this post, as it reminds me of the times sittng with my old and dear friend Col. Dean Hartley USMC. Since his passing, and now listening to you, I realize how much I miss those stories.


My curiosity is peaked by your comment that you sold "most" of your koshirae collection. Do you still have any of the koshirae or fittings that you purchased from Inami san ?


I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say I would love to see pictures of any of those items. Even if they are old photos scanned into the computer.


Thank you.


I am truly enjoying this post, as it reminds me of the times sittng with my old and dear friend Col. Dean Hartley USMC. Since his passing, and now listening to you, I realize how much I miss those stories.

Thank you, Ed, I understand your feeling of loss.


My curiosity is peaked by your comment that you sold "most" of your koshirae collection. Do you still have any of the koshirae or fittings that you purchased from Inami san ?


I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say I would love to see pictures of any of those items. Even if they are old photos scanned into the computer ..........

I think I traded all of the items I had (a few Tsuba, some menuki, etc.) for Roman Imperial coins (another expensive pursuit I have) several years ago. But I can't remember for sure. I will check with my daughters and grand children -- I gave them most of the Japanese tea ceremony items and other antiquities we brought back with us -- to see if they have any.



.......... Of course, I had to buy books and purchase at least one (I wonder?) sword -- and I recently did just that: a nice (but undistinguished) Tantô in a Shirasaya. I have never owned a Tantô until now -- I will describe it later ...........


Here is a little preview information relating to my new Tantô:




..... just a little display Calligraphy.


I will include photographs of my new Tantô, accompanied by detailed information I have gathered, elsewhere.




Dear James,

I really appreciate that you let us young folks participate in your memories of Japan and Nihonto collecting in the 1960s. I can't wait to read more.

Hopefully someone on this forum owns or has pictures of a Norimitsu Wakizashi similar (or maybe even identically) to yours and could share some pictures here. That would be awesome.



Brilliant stuff James!

and you built a webpage already! Seems the "bug" when it bits you, it bits you at any age. Nice call on the tantô as well, nobody famous but a very solid little sword.


Brilliant stuff James!

and you built a webpage already! Seems the "bug" when it bits you, it bits you at any age. Nice call on the tantô as well, nobody famous but a very solid little sword.



Thank you very much, Thomas. It is true, once you are bitten there is no cure!



  • 3 weeks later...

I have just purchased a copy of Inami-san's book: NIPPON-TÔ: THE Japanese SWORD -- a 1948 First Edition in excellent condition.




I was especially pleased to obtain this book for now, along with my copy of John Yumoto's THE SAMURAI SWORD Handbook, I have the two books I started off with in 1960.


I will be using photographs of various articles of memorabilia that I own to illustrate posts in other sections of this Board from time to time.




Dear James,

thanks for the pictures. I am eager to see which other memorabilia you have.

By the way I just read my copy of Inami-san's book again and still think it is very well written.


By the way, I stumbled upon these steak knives on ebay and wondered if these were sold in Inami-san's shop as well as Nihonto:

http://www.ebay.de/itm/Modern-Japan-Sta ... 35b36d8a5a




Thank you for the information you provided, Robert -- the Japan Sword shop knives are very interesting -- I vaguely recall seeing items of that nature displayed in the shop in the early 1960s.


.......... I am eager to see which other memorabilia you have ...........


I bought the following ShiShi miniatures at a shop in Haijima - site of the Haijima Daishi (Hongakuji) Temple -- close to where I lived in 1960.





They have been the guardians of my homes for all those years.


I have also used these images in another post of mine pertaining to ShiShi fuchi/kashira fittings




I continue to enjoy this thread. I too enjoyed reading Yumoto (I bought it before I ever owned a sword!) and as i mentioned earlier, I read "Nippon-to" as well. These 2 were easily available and aimed at the gaijin audience. Both were useful, but you don't have to know very much to know that they are also simplistic and, well, riff with errors. They are not particularly useful now.

It turns out that there was another book available at that time. In 1948 Honma-sensei wrote and produced "Japanese Swords" and had it available thru the National Museum. This is a dense 75 page introduction that pulls no punches. It tried to make the reader aware of the details of the history and aesthetics of Japanese swords. This little was essentially free in the old days, but it is rare today. It was a serious book and I think too difficult for the intended audience. It is also worth pointing out that Robinson's "Primer" and then his "Arts of the..." were also early and serious introductions that came out quite early. They were based on serious Japanese sources.

The level of serious consideration that went with the small Honma booklet and the Robinson books was, i think, well beyond the early gaijin audience.


I continue to enjoy this thread. I too enjoyed reading Yumoto (I bought it before I ever owned a sword!) and as i mentioned earlier, I read "Nippon-to" as well. These 2 were easily available and aimed at the gaijin audience. Both were useful, but you don't have to know very much to know that they are also simplistic and, well, riff with errors. They are not particularly useful now ...........

They are nostalgic icons for me, however.


.......... It turns out that there was another book available at that time. In 1948 Honma-sensei wrote and produced "Japanese Swords" and had it available thru the National Museum. This is a dense 75 page introduction that pulls no punches. It tried to make the reader aware of the details of the history and aesthetics of Japanese swords. This little was essentially free in the old days, but it is rare today. It was a serious book and I think too difficult for the intended audience. It is also worth pointing out that Robinson's "Primer" and then his "Arts of the..." were also early and serious introductions that came out quite early. They were based on serious Japanese sources.

The level of serious consideration that went with the small Honma booklet and the Robinson books was, i think, well beyond the early gaijin audience.


Thank you for that information, Peter -- I was not aware of the Honma-sensei book at that time.



These 2 were easily available and aimed at the gaijin audience. Both were useful, but you don't have to know very much to know that they are also simplistic and, well, riff with errors. They are not particularly useful now.


Dear Peter,

I have to disagree with you. Off course both books are not perfect but as I own and read other books - like Mr. Robinsons Primer and the The Connoisseurs Book of Japanese Swords - as well, I have to say, that Inami-sans book much more fun to read. This makes it useful for beginners - even nowadays.


.......... I have to say, that Inami-sans book much more fun to read. This makes it useful for beginners - even nowadays.


I agree with that assessment, Robert.




Having been largely kidnapped by work the past 2.5 weeks, it is good to visit NMB more in depth this Friday night and find this thread still running. I was amused by the steak knives, as it reminds me of the set my parents have. Excellent knives.


Just for the record, those menuki in your other thread are daikons. They are one of the few things we can actually grow in Florida soil, and have 1000 uses in Japanese and Korean cooking. Though shi-shi are often associated with peonies, I like the daikon menuki with them. It has the right playful happy vibe to the associations.

.......... Though shi-shi are often associated with peonies, I like the daikon menuki with them. It has the right playful happy vibe to the associations.

Could you elaborate on that please, Curran?



.......... Though shi-shi are often associated with peonies, I like the daikon menuki with them. It has the right playful happy vibe to the associations.

Here is a neat reference to shi-shi and peonies that I found, Curran (and I am really envious of the great Tsuba depicted there) ..........




.......... I couldn't find any pertaining to shi-shi and Daikons however.



  • 2 months later...
.......... I would love to see pictures of any of those items. Even if they are old photos scanned into the computer ..........
.......... I will check with my daughters and grand children -- I gave them most of the Japanese tea ceremony items and other antiquities we brought back with us -- to see if they have any.



Well I have retrieved a few tea ceremony (chanoyu) utensils and am now displaying them with daishô -- I always used to do that for I think they really enhance Nihonto displays. I believe they go together because of long standing association with Samurai culture -- the way of the sword with the way of tea (chadô). These items are not antiquities -- just every day utensils that I bought when I lived in Japan and have now owned for over fifty years. I couldn't locate all of the utensils -- missing are the hishaku (ladle), futa-oki (ladle rest) and kensui (waste water bowl) -- but that is of no real consequence for in my opinion too many articles actually distract from the display and the chawan (tea bowls), chasen (bamboo whisk), chashaku (bamboo tea scoop), and natsume (tea caddy) serve my purpose quite well.




I also like to display sencha (the ubiquitous dried and rolled green tea of Japan) teapots and cups with daishô out of nostalgia.




When I lived in Japan in the 1960s sencha was requisite for formal discussions and business transactions -- you knew you had been accepted when you were invited to partake of sencha. I know this is not the place to expound about sencha -- I will do that in the Izakaya section of this Forum.



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