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This was an exceptional waste of time.

I think Ken summed it up.


I spent several hours on Sunday at the NYC meeting with opportunity to study several Juyo Bizen works from the Kamakura and Nambokchu period. I cannot believe I wasted near equal amount of time trying to advise on this fly-by-night visitor's sword. It was just nice to see a koto Bizen sword out of the woodwork that was still in polish.


Good luck with Mr. Strauch. Travel well.

Iterasai and Mar sin leibh.


Nothing is ever a waste of time when we get to check out pics of a nice blade and chat about it a bit. Take it easy guys, can't blame a relative newcommer with an above average sword for being confused with all the info that gets thrown about.

Curtis, your best bet is a shinsa. If it doesn't pass, then the blade is still worth what it was before the shinsa. If it passes, you have something to ease the mind of a potential buyer. Not a lot of money to pay for the collective input of experts who have it in hand. You have been told many times here that all we can give is opinions based on photos, and that is worth exactly when you pay for it. Get it to someone who knows what he is doing, and get a better opinion by all means.

All in all, it's a nice sword that is worth what someone is going to pay you for it.

Curran, I'd like to think we win every time we get into a subject and learn something ourselves. We certainly don't get paid for any of this, so we can't be doing it for the money :lol:

Never a waste of time trying to help people...whether they take the advice or not. It is what it is..a chance to look and listen and debate. :)



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In one sense, I agree with you, Brian, that it's enjoyable to help a newcomer & learn a bit more from our resident experts. But I can't agree that if a that newcomer wants to argue about the free info he/she is getting, we should continue to waste our time & your bandwidth.


Of course anyone can choose to disagree with forum recommendations, but I think they should then quietly depart to go play elsewhere. Just my two en. :rant:




boy, things can sure turn on a guy when he is trying to ask a few questions and find out just what to do.


i do appreciate all the help and input and advice. i am a lil lost on some ideas of the value. so far i have heard 500.00 to over 20,000. and to try and get papers on it and don't worry about it it wont make much difference and might not even cover the cost of having it done. and not to bother with having it done here in the states the only guys that might know are in Japan. and if you don't get the papers you want keep trying and someone some where will paper it. so i have been a lil confused by all this somewhat.

i am not going to just be a fly by night guy...i do feel that sending it to have it papered is the best thing to do. sending it to Chris Bowen... nice guy. still a lil unsure about sending something worth so much to someone i don't know...i know it is just me

i should be able to tell you something as soon as i know


thanks guys, keep the input coming.

more than likely i will put it up here for sale when i get it back. not sure about if it does not paper this time. do i just keep sending it out till someone will?

still not sure how it all works if they all agree it is real it gets papered. what if one does not feel it is right then no papers? there has been alot of different thoughts just on this website, so you can see my confusion

time will tell



You can trust Chris; no cause for concern.

If the sword passes shinsa and gets a paper, great. If it doesn't pass I think you should leave well enough alone and not bother with another attempt.


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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