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I was browsing on ebay, had entered "NTBHK" as a search which produced six items, some were NTBHK and others NTHK.

This particular one caught my eye, because the NTHK papers do not look quite right. There is no seal overlapping the photo and origami and the kanji looks "wooden" it does not have a free hand flow.


http://cgi.ebay.ca/WAKIZASHY-era-KOTO-1 ... dZViewItem


Do my eyes deceive me?


I don't see the papers on ebay all that often. Maybe once a year I'll see a group like this.

Too bad, though. There's a chance, maybe a good one, that these papers will go to someone who will use them to sell bad swords and kodogu to the unsuspecting. It really helps to be able to read the papers so you can be sure they match the piece.


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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