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Hi Folks,


I have a couple requests here. First, can anyone tell me what the kanji say in English?




I'd like to be able to research these sorts of things myself but am not sure how to go about it. At the moment I try to find the corresponding kanji in a list contained in a sword book by John Yomoto. In this case I can't find any that are quite the same.


Is there an accepted methodology used by experienced folks or is it just a matter of going through the lists each time?


Any advice is good advice for this novice. Thanks.






Here is the WWII era Kai-gunto scabbard mouth. I know the kanji on the right side. What are the red kanji on the left?





PS: FYI...these are the only photos I have available at the moment.




the tang says Fukumoto Kamemune, there is a fair amount of info available about him on line. For learning kanji and translating i used the Kanji flashcards that Grey Doffin produced.




Thank you all for the prompt replies. I appreciate the help very much.


Now, I notice that you Mark have spelled the name Fukumoto, whereas Grey has spelled it Fukomoto.


Is that like Stewart and Stuart or just a typo?


Grey, the flash cards referred to by Mark...something you have for sale? Please advise when your time permits.


Nobody...thank you for the info regarding the red kanji. Much appreciated.


I'll have a few pictures of the sword later and will post them ASAP.


Regards to all,



Hi Stu,

I got Fukomoto from Fuller & Gregory's Swordsmiths of Japan: 1926 - 1945 which has a couple oshigata of this smith; I didn't bother to look up that Kanji to make sure. Maybe someone can tell us which is correct.

Please email me (link below) about the cards.



Thank you for the clarification of the spelling and the photograph of the mei with superimposed images. It would have taken me forever to figure those out.


Grey...Email on the way regarding the flash cards.


Kind Regards,


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