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(Kamakura) Bizen Mitsushige ?? Help Please

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I have found I sometimes enjoy the quiet well forged works of lesser known Bizen smiths between Mitsutada and the Nambokuchu period.


This Mitsushige interests me:



I have no idea who is this smith and cannot find him even in the Bizen Taikan.

The best I can read the Japanese, his work is similar to Motoshige (ko-Motoshige) or he is somehow related to Motoshige, but not his father or teacher. Coincidence had me looking at two Juyo grade Motoshige this past weekend, and I can see similarities in the sword to the ko-Motoshige I was studying.


What is Mitsushige's relation or place inside the Bizen school?



Thank you. I had missed it somehow.Oshigata isn't very good, but there it is.



I hadn't thought to break out the Fujishiro. I will look in there later tonight.

I can see why he might be grouped in with Motoshige.



Do you guys think that is shintetsu?

It is highly likely my eyes are shot and not seeing the obvious. Given the early bizen construction, I see it as an old sword with many a polish where the grain develops ripples similar to the sand on some beaches. Fred Weissberg had a comparable juyo for sale at one point that was of this sort. I think the relation was 1 or 2 steps removed from Mitsutada. This blade seems to me sort of a half way point between the fine quiet of that one, and the jigane of ko-motoshige.


Hi Curran,

Not sure if you get their ginza joho magazine but it is featured. There seems to be something a little funny with the 'mitsu' character like it was added later or re-cut because filed over?? I'm not sure what they are pointing out with the mei in the insert pics on right hand page, my Japanese is not good enough! Anyway thought this might help you.


I've looked closely at the magazine pics they have provided and there doesn't seem to be shingane showing through , but some tiredness and ware starting to open up.. hmm looked back at the online pics and not so sure, I'll shut up and leave that to the more experienced!

Scan attached.


Rich Thomas





I no longer get the magazine. I should, and don't have much excuse not to do so any more.

As mostly a fittings collector, I am always disappointed they don't post the fittings very often.


I scan read it with my limited Japanese and don't really understand the implications of the "graffiti" Mitsu. This is certainly a less than perfect blade and well beyond me at the current price yen-USD rate. But it is one of those areas where I find myself looking when an example comes up.


I don't know if I agree with concretely sticking this work in the Motoshige camp, at least not from what I see of workmanship.

There seems to be something a little funny with the 'mitsu' character like it was added later or re-cut because filed over?? I'm not sure what they are pointing out with the mei in the insert pics on right hand page, my Japanese is not good enough!


My impression is that are providing the two mei captions on the right side for a signature comparison against examples from Motoshige, perhaps to show similarities in 重. I may be mistaken...

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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