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Name that mountain

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Attached are two images of a sword tang.

Does anyone know anything about the mountain?

What is its name and where is it?


An it seems to be an unrecorded smith???????


I read


龍Tatsu, Ryū

座Za, Kura


於Ni oite

晴Sei, ha, hare

雲un, kumo, mo





Thanks for any help




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It is the name of a famous kiln/potter but he would not be a sword maker....


It is the location of a temple in Shimane Prefecture...The way the blade is signed, it lists Seiunzan as the location where the blade was made, so perhaps it is the location in Shimane. Perhaps Ryuza is the smith, though I find no listing.....puzzling....

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Dear Chris


Thanks for the information.


I was hoping that I had not found the correct kanji as I also could not find the smith.


Now with your help have a good shot at the correct reading.


Thanks again.





It is the name of a famous kiln/potter but he would not be a sword maker....


It is the location of a temple in Shimane Prefecture...The way the blade is signed, it lists Seiunzan as the location where the blade was made, so perhaps it is the location in Shimane. Perhaps Ryuza is the smith, though I find no listing.....puzzling....

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