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dated choshu tsuba


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I am looking for information on this Choshu tsuba whose mei is Nagato no kuni hagi ju - kawachi tomonao saku



This tsuba is also dated. I read Tenna ???? nen - ni gatsu Kichi hi

But I cannot decipher the third kanji, between "tenna" and "nen"




Friends of french forum already help me by telling me there is a Tomonao who died in 1697.





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Dear Sebastien


Haynes lists the artist of your tsuba (H 10002.0) thus:


F: Kawaji

N: Rokurōemon, Rokurōemonnojō

W: Hagi in Nagato Province

D: date of 1666, died Feb. 20, 1697

NTS: second son of Tomomichi (H 09961.0). Do not confuse with the later generation of this name, who worked ca.

1800 - 25.


Nice to see an early, dated Choshu tsuba - thank you.


Regards, John L.

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Just a little correct,

弐 means two not three


John is correct although he picked the wrong kanji for illustration.

There is a horizontal line which is difficult to see.

Compare Nelson no.32 for "2" and no.1555 for "3". Then have a close look at the pic again. You will see a faint line making the kanji read "3".




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