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Relaxed signature.

Reads: Tomo ___ ? ___


Anyone able to translate it or help me see it more as it should be written?

I'm just trying to practice reading signatures and the sloppy ones like this are good practice, but I couldn't make any conclusions about what I thought would be a simple character.





For the 1000th time, thank you for helping us here in this section.


I would never have read it 'Nobu'.

Because of my interest in Nobukuni nihonto, I thought I knew many variations of Nobu and of the Kuni kanji. Apparently, I do not read as well as I hoped.



Try, try, and try again.




Is this a capture from a book that lists the different cursive styles of common kanji encountered in mei? If so, could you please tell us which book it is. I would like to buy one if possible...


Best Regards,




For those who would find it easier to use an English text book on this subject, there is a very good one, but quite hard to find now (try rare books sites)...

"Dictionary of Japanese (Sosho) Writing Forms" by Otome Daniels Pub. Lund Humphries - London 1944.


It is 311 pages with about another 60-70 of appendixes etc.


Hope this helps,


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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