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Hoping someone can help me out with translating this. There are a million old photos of Japanese officers posing with their swords, but this one caught my eye and I bought it because of the unusual banner. Polydor used to be a big record label with major artists in the US, and still is in the UK http://www.polydor.co.uk/. I can only guess that these might be company employees/executives proudly going off to war?? Thanks!



Thanks to Morita san's clarification of the pic, I think I read the flag as saying (roughly):

top: Army relief dispatch section

Bottom: Nippon Polydor Comforts Group.


Probably, as happened with the allies, this company volunteer group collected and sent comforts to the war front, probably including records etc.

The photo is probably to commemorate the group handing over a shipment to army representatives.

Nice photo,



陸軍恤兵部派遣  日本ポリドール慰問団

Rikugun Juppei-bu Haken Nippon Polydor Imondan


Army Relief Group (Sponsored) Nippon Polydor Comfort Corps


Imon is consolation, but in this case we think relief or comfort. This is, as I said tongue in cheek earlier, most likely a group of recording artists who toured around to give relief/recreation to the troops, like our USO. I expect as has been suggested that the officers are in charge of whatever base they were at, though this almost looks like they posed after surrender they look so dour.


Tip of the hat to Colonel Creswell for his invaluable assistance...


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