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Don't know if I've ever posted in this section before.

I saw this on Yahoo!Japan while trolling around and looking for two books I am trying to track down.




I thought it kinda cool and didn't know if it would interest anyone else here.

Not sure how unique this minature naginata is, but I don't recall seeing another. Good or bad comments anyone?


Between a possible move, a few remaining house expenses, and a nihonto restoration project I may be funding next month, I shouldn't take a stab at it. Anyone else here interested, go for it.




(*** Incidentally, anyone who wants to try and pry a tsuba off my semi-permanent collection- the next month would be a good time as the restoration project is almost a certainty and going to be 2k to 3k I'd like to come out of the Nihonto part of the personal balance sheet. I'm pretty much bare bones on the books.... so gotta come from somewhere else > )


I used bing translation to quickly get the description of this miniature. I thought some may be amused by the results.


Is this build miniature naginata. Created a young blacksmith (Kikyo Hayabusa light). Using materials of Japanese swords, just like the real ne base iron to make the stage, be hardening. Ideal for entertainment. However, because iron is care try.

Dimensions overall length 208 mm stem length 118 mm blade length 90 thickness 3... 1 original width 7.1 is. Hermitage buildings, flow itame, of motherxxxxer pointed blades, hat returned. 白鞘, with daiza. Firearms and swords registration is not required. (Confirmed)

Please ask please if you photograph in difficult to understand.

Free shipping. (Ex Pack sends. )

1 Weeks within the money back guarantee is. (However, the shipping, System fee, transfer fee non-refundable fees will be charged. )

Email winning bid from the 48 Hours within, please contact 72 Hours within conditions of auction is where you can submit. It is not in that if you are unable to transfer money in financial institutions, etc.)

You will be shipping to foreign countries.


That is amazing!! The section ...flow itame, of xxx pointed blades,... has been censored automatically. I didn't know that could be done. The missing word referred to motherf****r, which is what was translated from 庵棟、流れ板目、のたれ刃、帽子とがって返る In fact the word reappears when I edit. Wow!! I can see it helping eliminate vulgarity, but, in this case I thought it amusing. John


I thought it might be a pretty cool item to own for a while, but couldn't expand the pictures.

Not sure whether it would be nice or just quirky in person, but caught my eye.


I haven't used Bing as a translator before. Funny that it has a censor! Microsoft wanting to be more family friendly??


When you say you edit, do you mean you are running it backward through the translator and it reappears? Ie. maybe it runs a word (vulgarity) check in english only and the visual version it sends out to you is overwritten in ****, but remains vulgar in the code?


Hi Curran, No. It translates on bing with the vulgarity. It is NMB that censors the word. When I edit my post it appears as written but, when I save it to post it puts in xxxx automatically. I didn't know NMB had this feature. John


Yep..that's me :badgrin:

Little feature of phpBB. I have to add vulgar words in the forum settings, and what to substitute them with. So if I wanted to, I could make it automatically replace every case of "shoshin" with "gimei" or "NTHK" with "NBTHK" or whatever.

Could be very naughty if I wanted to be. :D



Hi Curran, No. It translates on bing with the vulgarity. It is NMB that censors the word. When I edit my post it appears as written but, when I save it to post it puts in xxxx automatically. I didn't know NMB had this feature. John


Sorry, I must try it :glee:


xxxx xxxx xxxx :rotfl:


it does work :laughabove:


Pryable tsuba wasn't meant to imply crowbaring of tsuba.

After years of me not collecting or buying much, the past 2 months seem to have thrown several things into the air and play.




Nice one ups like this ko-naginata are tempting, but not on focus. Unique enough that I thought I'd point the forum at it and hope I didn't ruin someone's chances of getting it for the opening bid. I have no idea of its 'fair value'.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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