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Thanks in advance for any assistance. I own a little gun shop and just took this in from the grandson who brought this home with him from the war. I have spent the past two days trying my own hand at it, and this is what I've come up with - Yuki Masa Yasu Kuni Saku Kore. Of course, I could be way off but I am pretty sure this came from the YasuKuni Shrine.


The right side (first picture) I believe to be the date, and the right hand inscription on the left side (second picture) I believe either to be a patriotic message or the person who polished the blade. My brain went a little haywire after getting as far as I did so I thought if there is anyone out there who could take over I would appreciate it.


I will be putting this up for sale when I get a solid identification on this, so yes there is some commercial interest in this. Once again thanks! -E.V. Sandberg




carried by Mr. Matsubara Shigeru


Koki 2600 Nen Shoka (early Summer, 1940)


Takeshita Yasukuni kore (o) saku (made by Takeshita Yasukuni)



Special order gendaito....Any pictures of the blade?


Edited to add: No relation to the Yasukuni Jinja.....He was a rikugun jumei tosho and lived in Hakodate city in Hokkaido....


Ok...now what? Do I get it papered? If so how? I live south of Tampa I can make it to the Token Kai show in Feb. Do they do that there?


Thanks again for the translation, I will donate to the site.


-E.V. Sandberg

Ok...now what? Do I get it papered? If so how? I live south of Tampa I can make it to the Token Kai show in Feb. Do they do that there?


Thanks again for the translation, I will donate to the site.


-E.V. Sandberg



There will be a shinsa in Minneapolis next October, 2011. You can submit then for papers. There will not be a shinsa in Tampa, at least as far as I know.




I live just north of Venice. You live anywhere remotely nearby? Been a while since I have come across another collector in the area. There is a fellow up in St. Pete too.


My interest is mostly in fittings, but still enjoy seeing a blade now and then.

If in the area- come visit. Otherwise, be sure to attend the Tampa show.




Naples .... Not reallly a collector, more of a gun dealer specializing in antique arms. But certainly would like to get together sometime. You've probably seen me at a show or I've probably talked to you, been in business since 1993, and we are just changing our name from Century Arms of Naples to Centennial Arms at or around the first of the year. (Conflict with Century Intl). Feel free to browse if you want or shoot me an email.




Hope it was ok to put my website on here....





Pity I am unable to easily ship some of my antique pistols to the USA. I would like to oneday start clearing the few I have and trading them for Japanese swords. Anyways....

Just wanted to emphasize that this one has nothing to do with the Yasukuni Shrine at all. It is purely the fact that the Smith's chosen name was the same as the shrine. But there is no further tie in.

This looks to be a decent Gendaito in need of a polish oneday. I personally don't see any need to paper it, as they are just going to tell you what you already know...it is made by Takeshita Yasukuni in 1940. Little chance of a fake signature here...so not too much need to paper it or confirm the mei.

Afraid it won't fetch the (inflated) prices that many of the Yasukuni-to fetch, but still a nice item IMHO.





Thanks for the input. I have a friend that goes to Switzerland to comb the flea markets 3-4 times a year and he gets his antique stuff to the states with little effort. Not sure how he does it but I do know he is well connected.


I will be putting this up for sale as is probably on GunBroker or if there is a better site for something like this let me know. I really don't like working with eBay since they banned firearms. I will be asking fair market value and nothing more. Because really, that is all it is currently worth, now isn't it?


I went to my first Token Kai show last year in Tampa and was amazed by the sharks there. I was walking around with a Kanemoto signed Wakazishi and I am sure I looked like fresh meat to most of them. I know how that goes because I have been doing gun shows for years now. I did meet a couple nice people, one being a nice Asian man from Seattle who gave me his card and gave me an honest opinion of the blade.


This has really been a great site and very helpful tool for my business and I will be back that is for sure. I got the link off pouring through the good Dr R. Stein's wonderful site.


-E.V. Sandberg


If you have a price you are willing to accept, you are quite welcome to list it for sale in our commercial section. No charge, with a lot of exposure.

Saves listing and final value fees. Either way, post a link to the sale when you list it.




Saves listing and final value fees. Either way, post a link to the sale when you list it.



Please do, I know myself and a few are looking for well made Gendaito.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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