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  • 4 years later...
I see a catterpiggle and chrysallis, a.k.a. butterfly.



I just lost my coffee


BTW...it's a crab, every way you look at it. :lol: Just beautiful. It also seems to me that the phalanges rendering would be too cerebral / literal for the much more nuanced Japanese aesthetic. Frankly, I feel a little betrayed by you Ford. If I look at it as a clever hand I'm repulsed, not impressed in the least. Seems more of a cheap trick. Sorry. Of course you all know better, but...yuck. However, the tsuba is really beautiful, but in a different "genius" sorta way that I can't yet put a finger on (sorry). "Gimme time. I need more...time..."


Given the popularity of the Nozarashi skull-in-the-wilderness theme to symbolize loyalty beyond death to one's lord, I could accept the idea that these might be not fleshly but skeletal bones clinging onto the sword, even in death.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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