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Greetings NMB users,


Hope everyone is well in sword collector land!


For those who will visit Japan for the DTI, I would like to give a quick uddate regarding the possibility of serious debauchery. Two events are currently in the works.


1. Friday, October 29th A Yakatabune dinner cruise on Tokyo Bay with a splendid meal of sashimi, tempura, and extras. Of course this includes the all-you-can drink option. Meeting time will be 6:40 at the Shinagawa pier with departure at 7:00 p.m. The boat will be a chartered arrangement (with a minimum of twenty guests). The cost is yen 10,500 per participant (the meal is superior quality and the booze never stops flowing). Guido will be dressed as a pirate and will be allowed to navigate the ship after he has consumed his nightly limit of eight litres of beer. If you would like to attend this event, I would ask that you send me an email at by October 25th. Payment should be made to me at my DTI stall prior to 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 29th. Maps will be available at my stall. This is strictly reserved seating, so once you have given your name to attend, I will anticipate your payment.


2. Saturday night, October 30th. Auction viewing and reception. Mr. Aoki, the proprietor of Taikeido, a sword shop in Tokyo is holding a sword and fittings auction on Wednesday, November 3rd which is a national holiday in Japan. All overseas visitors are invited to attend the viewing of items and a reception on the 30th, as well as the auction on the 3rd. Additional details will be available later. After the reception, which is in Ginza, an opportunity will exist to go out and get further polluted.




Robert Hughes


For those who didn’t already figure it out: yes, this is a follow-up on this thread - Bob certainly deserves his own thread after going through all the trouble of signing up … ;)


When I expressed my hope to dump most of the work on Bob in above quoted thread, I didn’t think it would be that easy – thank you Bob, you’re to me like the sister I never had! :lol:


Attendees of the 2008 DTI parties know already what great fun this Yakatabune cruise is, for everybody else see this link. The only mistake Bob made: I’ll not dress up as a pirate, but as a Geisha. But as everybody familiar with Japanese culture knows, Geisha do not provide sexual services – so please refrain from flooding me with PM’s and e-mails!


On a more serious note: Bob and I covered more than once for no-shows out of our own pockets in the past. So you either pay in advance or you’re not on the list – period! I’m sorry if this sounds brutal, but we’re not going to pay anymore for those who are not able or willing to honor their commitment.


But enough of “the serious stuff”: let the games begin! :thumbsup:



Very becoming, Guido :)


A question before getting the details :


Do you want us to pay in advance (meaning now) or on DTI?

All overseas visitors are invited to attend the viewing of items and a reception on the 30th

Suit and tie required?


I would like to thank both of you for taking over this boring task :thanks: :thumbsup: :bowdown:



Seriously...you do NOT want to miss the Yakatabune event! I think it is possibly the highlight of my 2 trips to Japan, and something I will never forget. The atmosphere, views and party were amazing. Tokyo at night is spectacular, and the boat is both spacious and luxurious.

If you have to give up something else to do this event..then do it. I still have all the pics...some of which I'll save in case I ever need to blackmail Guido or Bob :glee:

Yeah...you ppl are lucky Bob is organizing this. Make sure you pay up front, and don't bother with the drawn map and walking to the dock...please. Just take a taxi and save yourself the stress of being 5 km away :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:




Edit to add: Some pics of the 2008 Yakatabune event: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4108&p=32396

Do you want us to pay in advance (meaning now) or on DTI?
At the DTI is just fine, but please try to register with Bob via e-mail in advance (see his post above).
Suit and tie required?
Yes, but only you. Everybody else can wear muscle-shirts and flip-flops. :badgrin:

Just kidding, "smart casual" will be fine.


Thank you Bob and Guido for organising the activites again. I can't make the 29th as I work in Kawagoe and will not be able to get to Shinagawa before the boat sails unless Guido can let me borrow his U-Boat :D


But the 30th sounds great. However what exactly is going on that night? An auction pre-view then reception then another place? All this after the show? Is there enough time in the day? Followed by the auction on the 3rd?


Looking forward to getting the details and many thanks again gentlemen.


Hi everyone,


Those folks who do not imbibe but can tolerate the whimsical nonsense of those who do imbibe, are most welcome to attend. There will be plenty of non-alcoholic beverages as well.




Robert Hughes


Hi Bob and Guido (the terrible twins)

It is with great regret that I (a famous non-drinker) will not be able to attend the Yatakabune trip as I have a previous and unavoidable social engagement that evening! However, I will make sure thay there is a plentiful supply of edammame for Guido. I hope to see any survivors at the DTI on Saturday and am available for wineing and dining that evening, should anyone still be standing.


Clive Sinclaire


Once again, Bob leaves out the most crucial part of information: non-alcoholic beverages will only be available to girls under 16 and transsexuals. Everybody else will be either keelhauled (if male) or made walking down the plank (if female) by yours truly (that’s where he probably got confused with me dressing up as a pirate) if he/she stays under a blood alcohol level of 5 ‰.


Sorry, no exceptions.


P.S.: Clive will be the subject of an even more terrible treatment: Davy Jones' Locker .... :shock:


As if there was not already enough to do...


"I just wanted to give a heads up to those coming over for the Dai-

Tôken-Ichi at the end of the month. This year marks the 100th

anniversary of the founding of the NTHK. We will be holding the

following event not far from the site of the DTI: The event is on

Sunday, the 31st of October at the ANA Intercontinental Tokyo Hotel

near Roppongi Itchôme station on the Namboku line; however, it should

be a short taxi ride from the DTI. There will be a display of

important swords from 2 until 4 and a dinner party from 4 until 6. The

display is ¥5,000 and the dinner is also ¥5,000. We will also be

giving everyone a copy of the first volume of the Yûshûtô Zuroku. If I

know how many of you will be coming, I will try to toss in the

translation. I hope some of you can make this. It should be fun. I

will be at the DTI in the morning and anyone who wants to go can grab

me and I will arrange transportation."


on behalf of Gordon Robson robsongo@swu.ac.jp


Hi All,


Here's some more enough, like there's not enough already ;-)

On the Saturday evening, there is the auction exhibit and many of you will be going there. However, if some of you would be interested in cultural exchanges and more depravity, a Japanese equivalent of the NMB, the Shinkai message board (members are mostly from Western Japan) are gathering at one place to drink, eat and talk.


I thought interesting the opportunity for both communities to join (beer is a common language) and exchange. I usually gather a small group of visiting friends on that evening, but this year I will take that group over to the Shinkai party.


The details aren't set yet, but if some are interested just let me know and I'll add you to the list.

Same as mentioned above: please don't do the very inappropriate thing of getting your seat reserved and not showing up, then getting others to pay for you (this is Japan).


The Hozon Kai kansho-kai will be one of a kind, or so I hear. With "juyo-equivalents" (I will get shot! ..using Catholic vocabulary for a Protestant gathering!) by the plenty.





Hi all,


Robert just gave me a heads up on the Yakatabune event, and I look forward to that. If you don't have enough on your plate, the NTHK has their big event on Sunday the 31st. Here are the details:


I just wanted to give a heads up to those coming over for the Dai-

Tôken-Ichi at the end of the month. This year marks the 100th

anniversary of the founding of the NTHK. We will be holding the

following event not far from the site of the DTI: The event is on

Sunday, the 31st of October at the ANA Intercontinental Tokyo Hotel

near Roppongi Itchôme station on the Namboku line; however, it should

be a short taxi ride from the DTI. There will be a display of

important swords from 2 until 4 and a dinner party from 4 until 6. The

display is ¥5,000 and the dinner is also ¥5,000. We will also be

giving everyone a copy of the first volume of the Yûshûtô Zuroku. If I

know how many of you will be coming, I will try to toss in the

translation. I hope some of you can make this. It should be fun. I

will be at the DTI in the morning and anyone who wants to go can grab

me and I will arrange transportation.


Thanks all,




Hi again,


I didn't have time to read all the posts, so I should apologize for posting the Hozon-Kai's Kansho-kai information twice. Thanks to Tom for beating me to the heads-up. For those who like their swords big, my 3.2 shaku o-nagamaki will be one of the display items, along with a Rai Kuniyuki tachi and other lovely things to look at hands-on. Looking forward to joining in on Friday. I am still thinking about the Saturday event, and I hope to see lots of you at the NTHK's event on Sunday. And, I always carry a spare liver.




Hi Gordon, Will the book and translation be available to those who can't attend this year? Funnily enough I haven't needed my spare liver in Japan. By the time I have started to get a comfortable glow the trains are about ready to stop and everyone is ready to head to their respective domiciles. Ah well no pain the following day. :lol: John


Hi there sword friends,


The yakatabune event is shaping up nicely with 24 brave souls already on the list. This should almost be enough people to entice Guido to do one of his infamous burlesque dances, the kimono peeler.


All in all, it promises to be good fun and just remember a clean fully functional liver is highly over-rated.


I will be posting additionally information about the Saturday Taikeido auction viewing/reception as soon as the details are revealed to me. It might even be possible to hook up later with Pierre's group if they are in Ginza or Shimbashi.


Sunday with Gordon and the NTHK looks very rewarding.


Yes, you can have it all!








I think you will be able to find Robert easy enough. Possibly the only non Japanese operating a table. The venue is not that big either so we are likely to dump into each other no matter how hard you try to avoid me........ :D


Jean, simpy look for "Keichodo", that's Bob's stall. But you'll recognize us easily enough: Bob looks like John Goodman, Henry looks like Brad Pitt, and everybody confuses me for Arnold Schwarzenegger ... :lol:


... we are likely to dump into each other no matter how hard you try to avoid me ...
Henry, dude, I sincerely hope that's a typo ... :rofl:
What's doing the guy with the blue shirt?


It's not what a naughty, little Frenchman is thinking. The poor guy is looking for his purse. Too many temptations at DTI, you know. Bob's trousers accidentally looked like the mysterious, black hole where all his money went.




Here is a list of the swords displayed at the Hozon Kai 100th anniversary meeting on the 31st (in Japanese, but I guessed most of you are already specialists at deciphering 700 year-old rusty inscriptions in Chewbacca-like scripts, so ;-) ...ok, ok, I'm just lazy.




一  太刀 国行 2尺2寸5分5厘 山城来派祖 鎌倉中期


二  短刀 則重 9寸3分 越中 鎌倉末期~南北朝


三  短刀 朱銘 貞宗 8寸5分 相州 鎌倉末期~南北朝


四  刀  金象嵌銘 義景 2尺2寸9分 備前 南北朝


五  太刀 備州長船幸光 2尺3寸1分5厘 備前 室町


六  短刀 備州長船康以下切 8寸5分5厘 備前 室町・応永(康光)


七  刀  備州長船康光 2尺6寸9分5厘 備前 室町・応永


八  長巻 南都住金房兵衛尉政次 3尺5寸 大和 室町後期


九  短刀 藤原真景 8寸5分 越中 南北朝 (則重門)


十  刀  和泉守兼定作 2尺3寸7分 美濃 室町


十一 刀  奥州仙台住藤原国包 2尺5寸5分 仙台 新刀初期(新刀大和伝代表工)


十二 脇差 肥忠吉 1尺2寸9分5厘 肥前 新刀初期


十三 刀  以南蛮鉄於武州江戸越前康継 2尺4寸7分5厘 越前/武蔵 新刀初期


十四 脇差 山城大掾藤原国包 1尺3寸3分 仙台 新刀初期 (十一号と同人)


十五 短刀 以南蛮鉄於武州江戸・・・・越前康継 9寸7分5厘  越前/武蔵 新刀初期


十六 刀  加州住藤原家重作 2尺3寸 加賀 新刀初期


十七 刀  伊予大掾橘勝国 2尺3寸4分 加賀 新刀初期 (十六号と同人)


十八 刀  和泉守藤原国貞 2尺3寸9分 摂津 大阪新刀(真改と区別、親国貞と呼ぶ)


十九  真長 重要美術品 長船 鎌倉


二十  一竿子忠綱 大阪新刀


二十一 越前康継 大小 江戸初期


二十二 南紀重国 紀州 江戸初期


二十三 近江大掾忠広  江戸初期 肥前


二十四 康光 応永備前


二十五 短刀 重真 長船


二十六 兼定 大鋒刀


Hi Pierre,


the exact address is 東京都品川区北品川 1-16-8; I don't know how to manipulate Google maps, but maybe you can add it to the map you already created. Or just follow the noise ... :badgrin:


Greetings everyone,


Here are additional details:


The yakatabune event is organized through the company Funasei. Their web page has an English explanation but unfortunately, the map is on the Japanese version of the website only. It appears under the panel of the word "access" written in katakana. I will provide maps at the Dai Token Ichi with some English information so that no one gets lost (before the departure). What happens afterward, well, let's wait and see ........ Anyway, I will leave the DTI at 6:10 with anyone who needs a guide to the departure location which is near Shinagawa Station.


Taikeido is offering an auction on November 3rd beginning at 1:00 p.m. A preview of the lots is possible on Saturday, October 30th and Sunday, October 31st from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. An exhibition party will be held on October 30th, Saturday from 7:00 p.m. (complimentary food and drinks). Auction catalogs and location maps can be picked up at the Taikedo stall at the DTI. You can leave your name with Taikedo if you intend to attend the party.


The venue for the preview, party and auction is called Matsuya Annex Building, Ginza Conference Rooms, Ginza 3-7-10, Chuo-ku Tokyo. (Note: this is not at the Taikeido Sword Shop) The venue is not too far from the DTI.


I am not sure what time the party will end but probably around 8:30 or so, which leaves plenty of time to get into mischief somewhere else .....





I am not sure what time the party will end but probably around 8:30 or so, which leaves plenty of time to get into mischief somewhere else ..


I guess you'll be there :D :D

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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