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Unfortunately, I cannot this year.. again. I will have to live vicariously through you Jean. :) So make sure you get really drunk and wake up in Yoyogi park the next morning, or I won't have the full experience. :D


The one and only weekend in every year that I am absolutely guaranteed not to be in the country... :steamed:


Damn business get's right in the way of a decent piss up!!! :beer:


Have a good time.



I'll arrive in Tôkyô on the 21'st and will keep you guys informed about the party - of course there will be one, it's a time-honored tradition, after all! I'll probably team up with Bob Hughes again (meaning I'll dump most of the work on him :badgrin:) to give you the bread and games you're craving for. 8)

Just one condition: keep the Edamame out of Clive's reach this time ... :lipssealed:




I was just going to post that Guido lives very far away, and we shouldn't put too much pressure on him to make arrangements this year. But I am very glad to see he is willing to sacrifice a bit of his sanity and assist again with the hosting. Between him and Bob, you guys are in for a real treat. I know it takes a lot of arranging, so I would ask NMB members to make sure they know the arrangements before-hand, and pay Bob at the DTI in advance. A big thanks to those that help with the arrangements.

There will be a few SA'fricans there again, but unfortunately I don't have funds, so won't be there. Pity, it is one of the highlights anyone can ever experience.

Let's keep this thread as the official one for this event.




I wish I was going this year, but my daughter thought Oct 31 would be a good time for her wedding. Who came up with that 'father of the bride pays for the wedding' thing anyway. Getting the char, muskox and caribou for the community feast has been a struggle. Thank goodness the bridal party is only 30 people, the price of champagne in Canada is crippling. Anyhow, I hope you all have a great time and find some outstanding pieces to share with us. If anyone sees a mino-bori kogai during the event, please e-mail me. ;) :beer: :beer: John

Will also be there from the 24th till 3rd. I will be happy to see you guys for real and take a few pints of asahi beer with you.


just a Copycat :rotfl: :rotfl:


We'll come in bunch on our legs (frog of course) :D


Hi Guys


I'll be at the DTI again this year ( with my long suffering lady wife)and we were hoping that Bob and Guido would be organisisng another party and would be kind enough to invite us again.

Last years bash was the highlight of the DTI for me. An unmissable opportunity to meet the legends of the gaijin nihonto community and then get very drunk with them!




Last year Robert Hughes prepared an English translation of the written content of the DTI Catalogue and has done so again for this years catalogue. Apparently, only a limited number were printed. I ordered a catalogue but it has arrived without the translation.If someone has the translation I would be most grateful if they could scan it and email it to me at peterq@mwebbiz.co.za Regards,Peter Quin


Greetings NMB readers,


Re: catalog tanslations


The printing of the translation comes out much later than the actual catalog as the catalog takes priority. The translation is just a courtesy for foreign visitors who have yet to master kanji signatures. Generally, the translations are available at the show. The translation booklets are not intended to go with every catalog, but are available on request. Hisashi Saito and I share the translation workload.


Having said this, I will see if I can make the electronic data available to forward by e-mail, in addition to requesting hard copies from our association to distribute to interested parties.






Thanks for the precision, Robert.


In fact the question was coming from the fact that, last year, when we ordered book with Sanmei (Tokugawa Art) the book came with translation/DVD :)


Dear Robert,


Could you please tell me where at the DTI show we can pick up an English version of the catalogue as I have a friend who could pick up a copy for me.

Otherwise I would also be interested in an electronic version (paulgill@softek.fr)


Many thanks.



Read below for a chance to get translation of another sort...


"I just wanted to give a heads up to those coming over for the Dai-

Tôken-Ichi at the end of the month. This year marks the 100th

anniversary of the founding of the NTHK. We will be holding the

following event not far from the site of the DTI: The event is on

Sunday, the 31st of October at the ANA Intercontinental Tokyo Hotel

near Roppongi Itchôme station on the Namboku line; however, it should

be a short taxi ride from the DTI. There will be a display of

important swords from 2 until 4 and a dinner party from 4 until 6. The

display is ¥5,000 and the dinner is also ¥5,000. We will also be

giving everyone a copy of the first volume of the Yûshûtô Zuroku. If I

know how many of you will be coming, I will try to toss in the

translation. I hope some of you can make this. It should be fun. I

will be at the DTI in the morning and anyone who wants to go can grab

me and I will arrange transportation."


on behalf of Gordon Robson robsongo@swu.ac.jp

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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