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Hi, i have a Japanese Kaigunto that i am thinking about selling. My major interist is third reich militaria and the sword doesnt realy fit in my collection. Any estimates on what the sword is worth and what you think i could get for it would be great, that is if i wanted to part with this beauty :doubt:


Thanks to David McDonald and cabowen, i was able to fing that the tang signature reads "(Seki stamp) Noshu Seki ju Hattori Masahiro saku Made by Hattori Masahiro of Seki, (in Noshu)". Unfotanatly the blade has a small knick near the tip but that is the blades only flaw.


As for the furnature and fitings, it is Kaigunto. What makes this one special is the sharkskin covering on the Saya. All in all its a fin example of a kaigunto with all the parts.


Hear are some pic!!! tell me what you think, Thanks again to David McDonald and cabowen for the translation!!







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