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Hello all,


I'm looking for an appropriate description of what's at the center of this pic of this blade.


Thanks for the assistance.


Dennis H.


  tetsugendo1 said:
Can you please put a ruler next to the blade for visual size info?




I'm sorry I don't have the blade anymore to retake photos with a ruler.




Dennis H.




To my eye it looks to me a welding flaw along the lines of an inclusion..it is not a cold shut (too cold) weld...Seems to look alot like a little bit of "crud" got caught in the weld and wasn't "thrown free" during the weld itself...


Hope this helps




I would have liked to have posted better quality pics, but I didn't have much time to try to take the best photographs because of my work schedule. I also don't have a dedicated macro lens or close-up flash for my DSLR yet.


Dennis H.

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