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Yanone anynone?

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Good read. I take it that 'Głownie grotu' is an arrowhead? John



Yes, sorry for that, an error in my translation of this article, originally published on my Polish kodogu and nihonto blog. I have corrected this already.

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An informative article and some wonderful examples in the photos there! :clap:


Just a quick note on how the Japanese 'saw' arrows. Imagine them having flown and fallen into the ground all around you, like plants. The words to describe them then make sense. What we call an arrowhead, is to the Japanese a 'Ya-no-ne', or arrow-root. Alternatively for arrowhead you can say 'Ya-jiri' (jiri = shiri) ie the arrow-bottom/rear/butt. In this position they would also be in the quiver, butt down.

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Dear Mariuszk,

Thank you for the interesting article. I have a half dozen or so yanone, .... different styles. It is interesting to see as in all things Japanese, .... " arrowhead " will not suffice, ... has to be more specific, .... eg: Intestinal ripper :shock: : . Anyways off to label my yanone :D . .............. Ron Watson

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