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what wood to use for a tsuba box


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Yikes! :shock: Inside lucite? One of the wonderful things about tsuba is its quality in hand, the heft, the feel of the iron. Also, close inspection of the nuances of texture, bones, etc. is essential to the appreciation of tsuba. I would not recommend locking all that away from the world under any circumstances. Just IMHO.




PS. By the way, just in case you're interested, here's a website with some spiffy displays for tsuba, at the lower end of the page. And of course I have nothing to do with the proprietors or any other aspect of this business) http://www2.saganet.ne.jp/hasuike-itou- ... kake2.html

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At the last San Francisco show Dick Dodge had an interesting display storage case for tsuba. I found it for sale on ebay and have been considering it. Here is the link to the item. It is regularly offered.

http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie ... K:MEWAX:IT

I have no affiliation with the vendor. He sells many types of display cases. The top is glass and so one can display a few pieces.


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