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polishing in australia!?

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G'day Alf,


I can tell you that there are no togishi here in Australia that have completed the full apprenticeship in Japan that I'm aware of, at least not yet (there is an Aussie there as we speak though). Unless there's one hiding in an opal pit somewhere round Lightning ridge, out the back o Bourke, just turn left at the second black stump.....If you need your true nihonto polished, send it home to Japan for refreshing. I haven't needed to do it yet, but I'm sure a few of the board's fellow convicts could help out with the how's and who's.



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We may as well expand this a little...........


Is there anyone here in Oz that makes saya/shirasaya? Or anyone that makes habaki? Anyone doing genuine lacquer work? (Urushi).

It would be nice to have a register of people who are working in the crafts of the nihonto here in Australia.

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