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Ah..sorry Pete. I wasn't sure if you were asking Rich or Ford to explain.

So this might be Tosa too? Would be bizarre if it was, considering the current discussion, and the (what I think was a) joke about this by Ford :D

I won't claim any knowledge of the subject here, so am sure you and Rich will discuss and elaborate for us. :)



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Hi Brian -- well, as I can't seem to get Rich to bite on this (or any one else for that matter) the three plate construction is the key on this one to Akasaka. I have an Akasaka with almost identicle tagane and thought the exact same thing at first but other criteria prevailed. Point is that these are clues in a process of differentiation and none (aside from signitures) are really so specific as to denote a specific school.

PS: I find the kebori interesting on this piece.

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