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for beginners: review of Sasano, "Sukashi Tsuba"


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Dear fellow-beginners,


On my blog, I have published a review of the Sasano Masayki book "Early Japanese Sword Guards. Sukashi Tsuba". I hope I you will find it useful - http://gomabashi.blogspot.com/


I post this on the NMB as an exception only. I would never even think of announcing my blog articles here, this would be arrogant, preposterous and I would only irritate Forum members.


There are things much a thousand times more worth reading, works of deep knowledge and scholarship, like Richard Turner's excellent kodogu blog - http://kodogunosekai.com


I have decided to post this article on Sasano's work here, only because I have found only very short reviews, and nothing really personal on this excellent book. I just hope I am filling a tiny part of what I see as a big gap. And I hope I will manage to encourage beginning students of tsuba to acquire this book. I am afraid, I don't have it for sale ;-)


Thank you for your understanding and hopefully you will find my review useful. :thanks:

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Hi Mariuszk, thank you for your kind words yet again, though I can assure you my blog is not that impressive. Just some random thoughts and pieces I like to share. Nothing more.


Do you have Sasano's second book ? "Japanese Sword Guard Masterpieces from the Sasano Collection Part I" In this book he states he corrected many of the mistakes he made in "Early Japanese Sword Guards" I know many people who prefer the first sukashi book over the second, but it is interesting to find that Sasano thought his later work was more important, or correct.


I myself prefer the second book over the first. but that's just me. I still like the first book but I use the second for reference more so.





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Hi Mariuszk, thank you for your kind words yet again, though I can assure you my blog is not that impressive. Just some random thoughts and pieces I like to share. Nothing more.


Well, you have real treasures to share, both in terms of tsuba and other kodogu you show on your blog, (all special and all in excellent photographs), as well in terms of your commentary.


Do you have Sasano's second book ? "Japanese Sword Guard Masterpieces from the Sasano Collection Part I" In this book he states he corrected many of the mistakes he made in "Early Japanese Sword Guards" I know many people who prefer the first sukashi book over the second, but it is interesting to find that Sasano thought his later work was more important, or correct.


I myself prefer the second book over the first. but that's just me. I still like the first book but I use the second for reference more so.


I have ordered the second book as well (from Bob Benson). I will read it and post a review on my blog. I believe I will be delighted to do it, given Sasano's exquisite taste.

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