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Hi everyone

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on this sword I recently purchased.

Possible school?


It is mumei, has a very distinctive hada and is I believe made during WW2.

Hamon is a wide ara-suguha


Found in average gunto fittings with a nagasa of 26 3/4 "


Thanks Simon



Hi everyone

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on this sword I recently purchased.

Possible school?


It is mumei, has a very distinctive hada and is I believe made during WW2.

Hamon is a wide ara-suguha


Found in average gunto fittings with a nagasa of 26 3/4 "


Thanks Simon

Simon, I think more pictures would be needed, can you post some more?

Due to the prolific production of swords during WW11 defining Which smith made a mumei blade is quite difficult. This is one of the reasons, mumei Gendaito wont recieve Kanteisho.

Thanks for the replies

Some more photos


Simon, I have a mumei wakizashi which has a hada that I think looks a lot like yours, I have never been able to identify it. Hope you can get some info. 100_2388.JPG

Hey Stephen,


Here's a shot of the nakago using flash this time.

It shows very little oxidization which has me wondering.

The yasurime is Takanoha.




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