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I recently acquired a blade by this smith, and have been trying to reseach him. I would like to know if any other member owns or has owned a blade by him. I cannot find anything on the commercial sites or archives.

I know this is a custom blade but I wanted to Know if his other work was in this style.

There is no record of him after WW2.

I know it is a long shot but I am also going to try to reseach the original owner for who the sword was made - Mr Munehira Hiroshi.

Any info would be much appreciated.




He (or someone named Masamichi) is on page 75 of the gendai toko meikan and is rated a $!M Yen smith.


He is also listed in Hawleys under MAS 455 where it lists his signature as "Yamato Hirotaka Junin Tokishi Masamichi saku" and that he worked around 1868 in Nara and rates him at 10 points.


Here is a link to the Nihonto Club listing on him: http://nihontoclub.com/smiths/MAS455


Not sure if this is even your guy without a photo of the mei or blade.



I agree with Todd...a nice blade. just to answer your research question, the only things I can find is that a BIZEN KUNI MASAMICHI is listed as Hawley MAS 442 for 1934. There are two Masamichis listed in Japanese wartime compilations but no details are given...as follows:

Shinoki Masamichi as a middle upper quality smith in Jinsoo Kim's WWII list Tosho Banzuke 1942 and a Morita Masamichi is listed in the Jinsoo Kim list of Rikugun Jumei Tosho smiths known from literature sources only.

This Shinoki Masamichi is also listed in the 1942 publication Dai Nihon Shoko Meikan P.304-17 as living in Hiroshima ken which borders Okayama ken. I don't have a old map to compare but roughly, the old provinces of Bizen/Bitchu/ Bingo run along the coast and are now covered by Okayama/Hiroshima ken...at a guess, I would say that Shinoda Masamichi of Hiroshima ken is more likely to be your Bizen guy. If I understand the Japanese text properly, a group of swordsmiths in this region seem to have supplied work for a Masahiro (no other info on him), these smiths were Fujikawa Yasuyoshi of Hiroshima ken; Kobayashi Munemitsu of Okayama city; Saneda (something-taro) of Hiroshima city; Shinoda Masamichi of Hiroshima ken; Kajimura Akikuni & Kajimura Muneaki & Fujimura Kunitoshi, all of Iwakuni city, Honmachi, Kajiyamachi.

If I find anything more, I will let you know.




Hi George,

Thats brilliant, I know you previously mentioned there was no record of him post 1945, one can only assume that he stopped forging blades or passed away. It would be nice if I could find another blade by him to compare his work.

:thanks: once again George, your help is greatley appreciated.




Tom, just reading your original post, you already know he is Shinoki Masamichi...as a matter of interest what other information did the seller pass on to you?

BTW, I notice I call him Shinoda instead of Shinoki a couple of times...please disregard...I mean Shinoki.




The only info I got was Shinoki Masamichi and the date, he was unsure regarding the rest of the mei so I posted it on the translation section to clarify what it said. Our translation experts soon had it sorted.

I have a feeling that he could be an obscure smith who was not very prolific. I have trawled every site I know such as Alf Tans extensive sold archive and every other you can mention with no success, maybe one will turn up some day.


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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