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Hi All,

Gotta love the Gendaito. In researching a new acquisition, a 1944 dated gendaito in Gunto mounts, by "Tsugaru Ju Kunishiro", I came upon some interesting information which I would like to share. First, he is Nagao Kunishiro of Kitatsugaru in Aomori ken...born Meiji 41. According to Japanese sources (Ono 1971 p.153 and others) he started in swordwork in 1932 and was 5th Seat 1941 Shinsakuto Exhib., won gold award 1941 and became Rikugun Jumei Tosho in 1943. He entered into 10 postwat exhibs between 1956-1977...maybe longer.The sword is in Bizen den, spectacular sugu-saka-choji-hamon of nie, and is quite long for a gunto being 69.8 cm. The interesting fact I confirmed tonight is that Ono says he received his art name from Mr Kudo Chu, Chamberlain and Aide de Camp to the Emperor og Manchkuo! Kudo was also a Lt. Gen. in the Emperor's army. Kudo was born in Kitatsugaru also and is known to have helped, and kept "open house" for neighbours from Aomori ken. This is an interesting historic link to swords by Kunishiro, and is the sort of research that makes the collecting of 1926-1945 Gendaito so interesting and rewarding (in my opinion). For all those with a sword by this smith, and for those interested in this field, here is a link to Kudo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%AB_Kud%C5%8D hope it works.




Hi Morita san,

Thanks you for the oshigata...it shows that Kunishiro was known and respected enough to be included in 'Nihonto oyobi Nihonshumi' as early as 1941...I am pleased to learn this. If I may ask a Nihongo question (onegaishimasu)... Ono, 1971 p.153 says that in 1941, Kunishiro " ...Kudo Chu kun yori meimeisareru." I translate this to mean "received his name from Kudo Chu"...but it can also mean "christened by Kudo Chu"... I think it means Kunishiro received his "sword name" from Kudo sama...is this the correct meaning?

I will print your oshigata for my files.

Regards and thanks,



PS...you might be interested to know that within 3 years (1944) his yasurimei becomes sujikai with kesho and the mei is beginning to become slightly sosho script. In post-war time his mei is very strong sosho script.



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