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Hi everyone, :)


Few weeks ago, I have told by a Japanese book seller on Ebay that John SLOUGH is working on a new oshigata book. This seller is a John's buddy but I do not remember whose seller is it.


I was planing to buy the version already avaible, but if a new one will be available, I would rather purchase this updated one.


That is why I decided to post here to know if some you, fellow members, have heard about this new book, or not. If yes, I would be glad to know when this book will be releash.


Furthermore,(if the information is correct) I thougth that many members would be happy to know that a new version of this great book is on the way.


Thank you very much for your comments. :thanks:


Just curious, where is John these days? He use to live just a few miles down the road from me. Haven't seen him in years. He certainly had accumulated enough material for several books on gendaito.


Rich S


Having an interest in gendaito, I too am interested in another John Slough book. I would think it would be a Volume II situation rather than a reprint with "additions". I would also think that it would be a certainty that he would avail himself of the ready source of oshigatas through NMB and Rich Stein's Oshigata database site...yet as far as I can tell, it seems that he is not doing this...maybe this is just a rumour? Hope not.




George -


When John lived near me, he took oshigata of most of my gendaito and Showa era blades; several of which are in his current book. He has enough material for several books without resorting to stuff on my oshigata page. He kept his oshigata and info on the smiths in about two dozen binders when I last saw him. IF he is doing another book, he's got a ton of material to work from.


Rich S


That's very interesting Rich...I hope he drops in to NMB or someone here passes on to him our interest in his work...a pity if his work just stops! If this "rumour" comes from a friend in Japan then there must be something to it...hope he lets the gendaito collectors know if a new work is contemplated...or even better...is in the works.




Hi everyone! :)


I finaly found the message the Ebay book seller sent me, his name is TSUBADUBA. According to him John does working on a new one.


"Hi Bruno,

There are more than seven hundred smiths listed and 280

oshigata. I have Slough's book and it is a great book. Some of

the swords illustrated in that book are mine, and I have

contributed additional oshigata for a second book John is

working on. This Fuller and Gregory book is much rarer and was

published almost two decades earlier; the osigata are not as

large and clear as in Slough's book but the translations are

character by character and very helpful if you are trying to learn

to read the nakago of swords. Also, with the quantity of Chinese

fakes out there and the expense of making a mistake buying a

fake or altered sword, books are very wise investment. Every

single book I am selling is a duplicate that I am selling because

over a period of many years I have managed to find a mint

copy. The other thing I've observed about the books is they hold

their value or increase in value. The two volume Fujishiro

translation by Harry Watson is so rare that that set has gone for

more than nine hundred dollars on ebay. I don't know if mine

will bring that, but they may. The Fuller book offers good bang

for the buck, and I feel confident whoever buys it won't loose

any money if they just run it again on ebay. These books don't

come up very often. Thanks for your email and good luck on

adding to your library and finding some nice swords. Happy

New Year, Ray"


- tsubaduba


Bruno san

Thank you so much for the info.


Attached photos are from [Japanese sword and Japanese hobby] that Akihide(Hikosaburo Kurihara) published.

He published this "swords journal" from 1936 to 1945.




It will be great if John Slough does a Volume II.

Morita san...that is a great publication by Kurihara sensei. Is it all Gendai tosho? I had a sword by the 2nd from left: Suetsugu Shigemitsu...a very nice Bizen-den sword in Kaigunto koshirae. Is the publication pages you show "Nipponto ayobi Nippon(jin?) no Shumi"?...is this the same as his "swords journal" 1936-1945? or a different publication?...and has either of these been re-printed? It would be a great reference for gendai collectors as Kurihara was the "father" of the Showa Sword Revival. I would be interested in a copy...maybe I need another visit to the Kanda furuhonyas...

Thanks for sharing.



Hi,George san.


Yes, it's all Gendai tosho.

As you know, this publication is original [Nihon-to oyobi Nihon-shumi](日本刀及日本趣味/Japanese sword and Japanese hobby).

It contains many Oshigatas of newly made sword exhibition at that time.

I am collecting around 70 % of whole volume yet. :lol:



You are so lucky Morita san...As you know, much of the interest in Taisho-Showa Jidai gendaito is in the West. While we only occasionally come across the master tosho work like Kasama Shigetsugu and Kurihara Akihide etc, etc, we do come across other good tosho work. I have just found a nice Nagao Kunishiro and a Yamagami Munetoshi. Very respectable swordmakers of the Taiheiyosenso toki...we have access to books like Toko Taikan, Gendai Toko Meikan 1971 and 1977...but many of their oshigata are not included...it would be great to have original Showa publication like "Nihonto ayobi Nihon Shumi"....do you think it could be printed?...Japanese text is fine with me...but also maybe it would sell very well in English, as that is a widespread language. I think it would be good project financially and also good for us gendaito collectors in the world.



This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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