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A nice ko-kinko collection

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Dear All,


I presume that most of you have seen it already, but just in case: at Yamabushi Antiques Boris and Andy have got what seems to be a rather nice ko-kinko tsuba collection at what seem to be good prices. It is consignment stock and is to be found here:



Disclaimer: I am in no way connected with Yamabushi Antiques and I will get no money or any other advantage out of this post. I am their regular client, and on a routine visit today, I have noticed some tsuba that seem very nice and good value to me. Just wanted to share.

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I have to confess that I opened this post with some excitement, wondering who else had a ko-kinko collection for sale. Of course, this one is mine, and your kind - and unsolicited - comments are appreciated.


I had previously written about how this collection came to be here:




Some nice pieces have been bought, but there are plenty of good ones still. Get in touch with Boris if you are interested. I can say that even though the prices were reduced by 25% already from the reasonable prices originally posted, he will relay serious offers to me.


Take care,



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  • 2 weeks later...

I would agree with mariuszk comments. I offten go to Yamabushi Antiques. I plan at some point hopefully in the not so distant future purchase a tsuba. Obtaining one of the ko-kinko tsuba would be nice as I current don't have any in my collection. I have also notice once and awhile the owners of Yamabushi Antiques would list some nice tsuba on eBay as well at reasonable prices.

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected with Yamabushi Antiques and I will get no money or any other advantage out of this post. I am their regular client, and on a routine visit today, I have noticed some tsuba that seem very nice and good value to me. Just wanted to share.

Just wanted to quote mariuszk disclaimer as I am also not connected any way to Yamabushi Antiques. I am just a collector that sometimes visits their website.


Yours truly,

David S.

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Disclaimer: I have no connection to Yamabushi Antiques except Boris is a friend and I own all the items he has listed on the consignment page.


I've written elsewhere on the forum about how this collection came to be, and why I'm letting it go.


Yamabushi is not likely to put these items on ebay as that's not my intention. They can do what they like with their own pieces. These are already priced very fairly, and the prices shown were cut by 25% last fall after they had been online for nearly six months. That being said, serious offers -especially for multiple items - will be brought to my attention.


I am far more likely to try to find someone with some serious cash and a gambler's spirit to negotiate a sale of the remaining items than I am to run them through ebay.


In short, if you see something you like, now's the time to get in touch with Boris and make a deal. I've got bills to pay.


Thanks for looking.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yamabushi is not likely to put these items on ebay as that's not my intention. They can do what they like with their own pieces. These are already priced very fairly, and the prices shown were cut by 25% last fall after they had been online for nearly six months. That being said, serious offers -especially for multiple items - will be brought to my attention.


To provide more information from my last post. I was referring to other toshogu from the Edo period that was listed on eBay by the owners of Yamambushi. My post was a bit off topic as I referring to some nice Edo periods pieces and not the ko-kinko collection in the consignment page. The ko-kinko pieces are wonderful and I think they would be good addition to anyone's toshogu collection.




Yours truly,

David S. (Soshin)

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I have to confess that I opened this post with some excitement, wondering who else had a ko-kinko collection for sale. Of course, this one is mine, and your kind - and unsolicited - comments are appreciated.


Dear All,


just to let you know - I have decided to put my money where mouth is and bought three of the tsuba from the collection. I am actually raising money to buy a fourth :-)


I will certainly share my impressions when they arrive.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I am glad you got several nice tsuba, and I am looking forward to reading your impressions of them here or on your blog.


In some ways I am having more fun distributing this collection than I had assembling it, since I have now become connected to a number of great people that I did not know before.


I hope you get the other tsuba you are saving for - I think I know which one it is and it is really unlike anything else I've seen.


Best regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my three tsuba today, and... I am blown away. Especially one of them is absolutely superb! You don't often get a middle Muromachi, stunning waterwheel sukashi ko-kinko with most of its old lacquer intact. Unbelievable. I need to make pictures of it and will publish it on my blog for all to enjoy.


Anyways, guys, what are you waiting for for? Honestly, I don't think you will see this quality at these prices anytime soon. One of the tsuba I will ask to be held for me, though :-)

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Hi Mariusz


Yes I agree, and I've bought one too. The price was very reasonable and am now feeling keen to see it in hand.


In the meantime have found one here which is more of a starter piece but Muromachi, and small, heavy, with a sweet clear note when struck- whatever that means. It's being mounted with mixed metal f/k and menuki wild boar theme.


Here's a pic of the starter piece and I'll post Craig's-now-mine tsuba when it gets here volcano permitting.




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