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Please help if you can.  This is the inside lid of a container for a "chaire" pottery tea caddy for Japanese tea ceremony.  I cannot read the parts circled in red.  The writing is apparently by Rokurokusai, the 11th head of the Omotesenke tradition during the time that the Tokugawa shogunate was abolished.  This writing would normally attribute a poetic name (mei) to the chaire, and perhaps identify the maker or age.  The right line identifies it as a dark-glazed tea caddy with a wide mouth design ("Zeze chaire taikai") but the remainder is too stylized for my beginner skills. 

This was a recent purchase for my personal collection and I am very grateful for your help.

Sincerely, -Greg

underside of lid.jpg



Right circle: 古さと啐啄? 


The part in blue is "Sottaku", which is both a zen word and the name of the 8th generation Omotesenke head. Not sure what the entirety is supposed to mean - the last kanji I have low confidence on. "From the hometown of Sottaku?"

Possibly a poetic attribution to Sottakusai? 



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