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Hi Everyone,


Well, the only constant in the Universe is change, and change is at hand. It is time that I step down from moderation for a while in order to devote time elsewhere for research projects I am ramping up, continuing education, and family matters that are requiring more and more time. I hope to assemble information that will be of great help when I share it in the future, but there are only so many hours in the day and I no longer can dedicate the time I feel adequate for moderation duties. I’ll still be around occasionally to take part and contribute where and when I can.


As a moderator, sometimes making judgments and decisions can be difficult and compromises made with a feeling of limited success. Our paths are not always clearly marked and we occasionally bump around in dim light, learning as we go, sometimes forward, and sometimes backward, but always with the intention to keep the health and vibrancy of a place that can promote an ever increasing base of knowledge. I thank you for the many times I’ve received notes of support and appreciation of my moderation efforts and truly hope that I have helped maintain an enjoyable place for everyone.


To comment on my feelings and experiences as a moderator; NMB, while a good source information, is like a tree that needs the right kind of soil, adequate water, sufficient light, and proper care. I will also add that like a tree, peak health is the best first defense against pestilence and disease. I encourage everyone to lend a hand in keeping it healthy. Help it grow, and grow with it. Reach ever higher for ever better. Stagnation of the mind is like drought. Many members are very good friends, and I have met even more through this board. Much of what we share as collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts, really boils down to the camaraderie we share and enjoy. This is what builds the community and perpetuates the arts and crafts we love. These arts are our solace and our sanctuary, and so should the places we share them with each other.


I want to convey a hearty Thank You, to Brian Robinson for his steadfast commitment to maintain this board and the work it requires despite our less than amenable times. :clap: Thank you also to everyone who contributes both in terms of financial support and subject matter that brings clarity or compelling questions for everyone to consider. :thanks: All those oshigatas, images, excerpts, and well drafted, well researched posts are a measure of time from someone’s life, provided unconditionally. This is the flesh of the NMB community. :clap: :beer:


I wish you all, the very best life can offer,






My thanks - tough job done with discression and empathy for those of us who are not at the same level - little like herding cats I am sure.


I do hope you will drop in from time to time as a member to continue sharing your knowledge :clap:


Hi Ted!


I wish you all the best in your research and can't thank you enough for

time here. :bowdown:

Hope to hear much from you in the future.


Best wishes,


I don't think Ted will stay far away from the board, he will continue to act as a regular NMB member but without the burden of being a moderator.


Ted, thanks as NMB member to the willingness you had to accept for a while after so many ones (Rich, Stephen, Guido ...and still Brian) the call of duty :bowdown: :beer: :beer:


Thanks Ted for doing a tough job with few rewards and I am sure lots of criticism from those whose threads you rightly closed. As one who suppported your efforts I can only add my heartfelt thanks for a job well done. I hope that you do still tune in and add your usual thoughtful comments.

The work of all our moderators should be rewarded with thanks on a regular basis especially when tough decisions are made - all for the benefit of the messageboard.


As most of you know when I stepped down from moderator I passed my torch over to Ted, I felt I had found the best, and was happy to be right. He raised the level to new heights, with a firm hand and higher education of nihonto, this is sad news as I see few that could fill the void Ted leaves. Thanks for your time Ted, please stop in and drop some of that wealth of education on the more serious threads, and those's great little nuggets on of humor on the less, you'll be missed yes but never forgotten.


Hai Domoarigatogozamasta!!!


Hi Ted:


I wish you the best in your future endevours. Having dealt with you before, I know you have some good "karma" coming your way. Life is an adventure.


As far as the NMB, I would like to see it go on without moderation. I think the positives will be heavier than the negatives. At the very least, it would be interesting.





As far as the NMB, I would like to see it go on without moderation.


Fare thee well, Ted. It was a pleasure to meet you at Token Ichi two years ago and I hope we will meet again on the road. Thanks.




Yes, I am sorry to hear this too. Your presence was kept out of sight, but you always seemed to step in just at the right time when really necessary. Hoping you will continue to keep the tree healthy! :clap:


I am sorry to read that your retiring from your position as moderator. Even though I am a relatively new member I have enjoyed your insights and critics. I hope you stay in touch and wish you the best of luck in your new endevors.



Tim S


I’ll still be around occasionally to take part and contribute where and when I can... :clap:



Sad news indeed! I will miss your competency and help for your knowledge about Nihonto is far above from that of us forumites. To act as a moderator is a difficult and time-consuming duty, but as you said, Life is a continuous change and other priorities are stringent. My heartfelt thanks for all your efforts to the best of the Board :bowdown:

I allow myself to give a face to the name.




Dear Ted, I read your posting with great sorrow. You have been a steadying, sensible influence on this board. I for one will miss your contributions.

Ian Bottomley


Fare well Ted...

As a relative newcomer to the NMB I have seem the occasional instance where a moderator has had to step in...I for one always appreciated your moderate words and sensible interventions...you will be missed.


George Trotter


Hi all,

Finally at home (not sure which one anymore) and able to respond.

What Ted failed to mention is that he brought up the subject quite a few months ago, and I was aware of his work and home pressures. However at my pleas/requests, he very kindly stayed on for a while so that my own pressures could calm down a bit. This is Ted..always trying to help, even to his own detriment.

I will once again emphasize that he isn't leaving the forum, just taking a well deserved step backwards. Although the forum usually looks like it runs itself, what goes on behind the scenes is a lot of hard work, time and effort. Posts must be moved, members nudged, spam deleted and fake registrations quarantined.

It is not a lot of fun, and increasingly takes more and more time.

So I send out a huge thanks to Ted for what he accomplished for the forum. He joins those admirable mods that have served here, such as Guido, Stephen, Rich, Andy etc.

I have a few ideas of members to approach for assistance. It will take a short while until we are back to full moderator compliment, but I am still watching, and will leave Ted's priveleges for a few more days in case he wishes to enact any revenge on anyone :lol:


Thank you Ted, for all that you did, and we will catch you on the "easy" side of the forum ;)




Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. It has been my pleasure to work with Brian and interact with everyone here. I will continue certainly pop in once in a while when I can, and look forward to future discussions. :thanks: :beer:

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