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Nagasa: 69.8 cm 27.5 in

Mihaba: 2.8 cm 1.1 in

Hamon: Suguha based Ko-Choji

Jihada: Itame

Nakago: Mumei; Osuriage

Offering a massively and heroically shaped koto naginatanaoshi katana that has a magnificent sugata, which reflects the shape of large naginata of the Nanbokucho period. The shape is mostly ubu(intact) on top, but the yokote has been added. The hamon is a wonderful suguha based ko-choji. Utsuri is present, and if you look at the photos you will see a clear choji-utsuri in the kissaki. The jihada is itame and mokume, with some areas that are a bit coarse from age. It has never been sent to Japan for shinsa, but a US NTHK shinsa attributed the blade to the Yamato Tegai group in middle Muromachi period. It is strongly recommended that the blade go to Tanobe-sensei and the NBTHK for evaluation. It seems clear that the blade is Nanbokucho and may have a good shot at a Bizen-related attribution for a smith or group who produced a Yamashiro style hamon. Ukai (Unji or Unju), or Aoe. Regardless of the attribution, whoever buys this sword is going to be thrilled. 


$4250 plus shipping. Paypal preferred. 










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