Kiipu Posted February 1 Report Posted February 1 Most book dust jackets are in Brodart protective covers. If a book has a flaw, it is noted. If not, then it is in very good or better condition. Size: the green background mat has half inch (0.5") squares. Payment can be made by personal check, money order, or PayPal. Shipping within United States: USPS media mail or 1st Class is used, depending upon the book. If another shipping option is preferred, contact me. I normally ship books in a large envelope or cardboard box. It costs about $8 to $12 to ship a book when everything is factored in. International Shipping: Most books can be mailed internationally via USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope. If it fits within the envelope, it can be mailed. This will normally raise the cost of a book about US$40 to US$50 depending upon the country. Contact me by “private message” if additional information or pictures is needed. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 1 Author Report Posted February 1 Small Arms Sugawa Shigeo. The Japanese Matchlock: A Story of the Tanegashima. 1991. A translation of Nihon no hinawajū 日本の火縄銃. English language. Used, dust jacket, hardcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 62 pages, color illustrations. Dated and autographed by author. Weight 1 lb 10 oz, printed in Japan. US$175. Sugawa wrote two Japanese-language books about Tanegashima. This book is a translation of the first one. It covers both pistols and rifles. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 1 Author Report Posted February 1 Handguns Honeycutt, Fred L., Jr. Military Pistols of Japan. 3rd ed. Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.: Julin Books, 1991. Used, dust jacket, hardcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 168 pages, B&W illustrations. Weight 2 lb 2 oz, printed in USA. US$130. This book is one of two that is recommended for collectors of officer's swords. This book will provide an overall view of Japanese ordnance, from arsenals to inspection marks to subassembly methods. Book is out of print and the author has no plans to revise. Brunner, John W. The Colt Pocket Hammerless Automatic Pistols. Williamstown, N.J.: Phillips Publications, 1996. Used, dust jacket, hardcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 224 pages, B&W illustrations. Weight 2 lb 15 oz, printed in USA. US$350. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 18 Author Report Posted February 18 Rifles All three books below for US$175 including shipping to the States. Honeycutt, Fred L., Jr., and F. Patt Anthony. Military Rifles of Japan, 1897–1945. Lake Park, Fla.: Fred L. Honeycutt, Jr., 1977. Dust jacket, red hardcover, 6.25 x 9.25 inches, 224 pages, B&W pages. Weight 1 lb 6 oz, printed in USA. Comes with the letter from the author that was included with the book. This is the 1st edition of MRoJ which is smaller in size compared to later editions. It does not have coverage of Murata rifles like the later editions. The pictures in some cases are larger than later editions. Most advanced collectors will have this edition along with a later edition in the reference library. US$99. McCollum, Duncan O. Japanese Rifles of World War II. Latham, N.Y.: Excalibur Publications, 1996. Autographed by author. First edition, first printing. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 64 pages, B&W illustrations. Weight 0 lb 8 oz, printed in USA. A nice little primer on Japanese rifles. US$35. Team Arisaka, Victor Soto, and Linda Soto. Articles from Banzai on The Japanese Sniper Rifle with Sniper Rifle Serial Number and Telescopic Sight Manufacturer Tables. Banzai Special Project No. 7. Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Lodestone Publications, Inc., 2001. First edition, first printing. Softcover, unbound, 8.5 x 11 inches, ii/50 pages, tables, B&W illustrations. The comb binding converted to a 3-ring binding. Weight 0 lb. 7 oz., printed in USA. US$60. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 18 Author Report Posted February 18 Rifles (Imports & Exports) All three books below for US$140. including shipping to States. White, Doss H., and Francis C. Allan. Japanese Contract Rifles: Arisakas Produced Under Contract for Foreign Military Forces & Rifles Purchased from Other Countries for Japanese Military Use. With Historical Research by Thomas Keep and Stanley Zielinski. Banzai Special Project 8. Lodestone Publications, Inc., 2004. Softcover, unbound, 8.5 x 11 inches, 54 pages, B&W illustrations. Weight 0 lb 6 oz, printed in USA. The stapled & tape binding converted to 3-ring binding. Allan, Francis C., and Roger L. Wakelam. The Siamese Mauser: A Study of Siamese / Thai Type 46 Rifles & Type 47 Carbines. Edited by Joseph P. Koss, Jr. Banzai Special Project No. 1. AK Enterprises, 1987. First edition. White softcover, unbound, 8.5 x 11 inches, 29 pages, drawings, tables, B&W illustrations. The folded & stapled binding converted to 3-ring binding. Weight 0 lb 5 oz, printed in USA. Japan. Rikugun gijutsu honbu 陸軍技術本部 [Army Technical Headquarters]. MO-shiki shōjū dai (I, II, III)-gata setsumeisho 「モ」式小銃第(Ⅰ、 Ⅱ、 Ⅲ)型説明書 [Instructions for Type MO Rifle, Models (I, II, III). September 1939. Reprinted in Japan in 1998. Beige softcover, 6 x 8.25 inches, 58 pages, drawings, pictures. Weight 0 lb 4 oz, printed Japan. This manual was expensive because of the exchange rate at the time. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 20 Author Report Posted February 20 Rifles (Type 99 7.7mm) #1 All three books below for US$175 including shipping to States. White, Doss H., Bill S. White, Frank A. Knapp, and George H. Taylor. The Japanese Type 99 Arisaka Short Rifle. Shoestring Publications, Ltd., 1985. Autographed by Doss White. First edition, first printing. Softcover, centerfold stapled, 8.5 x 10.5 inches, 80 pages. Copy 291 of 300. Weight: 0 lb 8 oz, printed in United States. The cover is detached from the top staple while the center sheet is loose. See pictures below. Can be fixed by restapling but will leave that decision to the new owner. This was the forerunner of the Banzai Special Projects. I purchased this directly from Doss back in 1991. Team Arisaka. Arisakas Tables: Type 99 and Type 30. Banzai Special Report 3. Lodestone Publication, 1999. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 46 pages, tables, no illustrations. The side-stapled binding converted to a 3-ring binding. Weight 0 lb 5 oz, printed in USA. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 22 Author Report Posted February 22 Rifles (Type 99 7.7mm) #2 All three books below for US$185 including shipping to States. Luer, Jon. Collecting the Type 99 Arisaka Rifle. Waffenhaus, 1997. 1st edition, first printing. Softcover, comb bound, 8.5 x 11 inches, 33 pages, printed on one side only, B&W illustrations. Weight 0 lb 9 oz, printed USA. Sasse, Douglas Allan. “A Historical Review of the Japanese Arisaka Type-99 Rifle with an Emphasis on the Quality of Manufacturing and Material in Relation to a Time Line of Major Allied Campaigns during 1939–1945.” Master’s thesis, California State University, Los Angeles, 1997. Softcover, 8.5 x 11 finches, 212 pages, printed on one side only, tables, drawings, B&W illustrations. The velo binding changed to 3-ring binding. Weight 2 lb 7 oz, printed in USA. US$115. Quote
Kiipu Posted February 23 Author Report Posted February 23 Grenade Launchers All three books below for US$190 including shipping to States. Babich, Gregory A. Imperial Japanese Grenade Rifles and Launchers. Dutch Harlow Publishing Company, 2004. Dust jacket, hardcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 248 pages, color illustrations. Weight 3 lb 6 oz, printed in USA. US$99. Japan. Rikugun-shō 陸軍省 [War Ministry]. Tenage-dan’yaku Kuku Shiki Shu-ryūdan (Kō) oyobi Dō (Otsu) Tori-atsukaihō 手投彈藥九九式手榴彈(甲)及同(乙)取扱法 [Method of Handling Hand Thrown Ammunition Type 99 Hand Grenade A and B]. General Order 7471. October 06, 1941. Reprinted in Japan in 1998. Beige softcover, 6 x 8.25 inches, 16 pages, drawings. Weight 0 lb 2 oz, printed Japan. Japan. Rikugun hohei gakkō 陸軍歩兵学校 [Army Infantry School]. RoTa-hō kyōren no sankō 「ロタ」砲教練ノ參考 [Training Reference for ROTA Rocket Launcher]. May 1945. Reprinted in Japan in 1998. Beige softcover, 6 x 8.25 inches, 54 pages, drawings. Weight 0 lb 4 oz, printed Japan. This was the Japanese army’s version of the American Bazooka. This weapon was later renamed as the Experimental Type 4 7cm Rocket Launcher. Quote
Kiipu Posted March 10 Author Report Posted March 10 The following books are sold. 1. White, Doss H., and Francis C. Allan. Japanese Contract Rifles. Banzai Special Project 8. 2004. 2. Allan, Francis C., and Roger L. Wakelam. The Siamese Mauser. Banzai Special Project No. 1. 1987. 3. Japan. Army Technical Headquarters. 「モ」式小銃第(Ⅰ、 Ⅱ、 Ⅲ)型説明書 [Instructions for Type MO Rifle, Models (I, II, III). September 1939. Reprinted in 1998. 4. Japan. War Ministry. 手投彈藥九九式手榴彈(甲)及同(乙)取扱法 [Method of Handling Hand Thrown Ammunition Type 99 Hand Grenade A and B]. 06 October 1941. Reprinted in 1998. 5. Japan. Army Infantry School. 「ロタ」砲教練ノ參考 [Training Reference for ROTA Rocket Launcher]. May 1945. Reprinted in 1998. Quote
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