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When I first started collecting WW2 Japanese swords, the best advice I was given was to get some good books on the subject! 

They paid for themselves many times over! I could identify the various models, learn some great information, have great pictorial evidence, and saved a lot of time and money not buying fakes. 

So in case Brian has a litter of kittens over this post, it is really a community service announcement, for newbies starting out, or seasoned collectors who found it hard to pay the original prices for these books. So as to share some books that helped me along, I would like to help others along. Check the current prices on the internet from commercial sellers, you will be floored. The prices are without postage because I need the destination. Prices in Australian dollars. 

DAWSON....... AUD420


KISHIDA (Yasukuni)... AUD120

KAPP.... AUD80. 

They are in great condition, and some lucky buyers may get an additional "gift with purchase" from my library. 

So Brian, I probably am breaking the rules posting this here, but I want the military collectors to take up the offers.  





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Yeah, I get it. But there's that "precedent" thing I need to keep in mind. Otherwise I'm going to get people posting tsuba books in the fittings section, and armour books in the katchu section.
Once I allow one, the next guy gets to say "but you allowed....."
Sorry, but if the military guys have any sense, they will be checking this section regularly.
Btw...excellent books that are a must have.

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