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Hi Jacques,


I see your example is katakiriha, I lack references to see if there is any influence of the suguta on the width at the hamachi


I have a wakizashi made by Jumyo (Hokkyo Koansai). It is quite stout and robust, motohaba 42 mm, motokasane 8.5 mm, width at yokote 34 mm, sakikasane 6.5 mm, nagasa 408 mm. As you can see, a real chopper. John



Fantastic John. :)


Now I would like to know the weird Monster Wakazashi measurements because as so far we know only its overall length.


Katanako, can you please provide them

Now I would like to know the weird Monster Wakazashi measurements because as so far we know only its overall length.

Hi Jean,

In the first picture by Katanako the Katana tapers against the Kissaki, whereas the Monster Wakizashi contrarily tapers from the Kissaki to the Tsuka. Additionally the Hamon starts narrow and widens gradually forming a seemingly long yakidashi. As I mentioned the picture can be foxing, but I believe Motohaba and Sakihaba at the best are identical in measure, most likely the Monster Wakizashi has been repaired eventually.

Another example of a very wide Motohaba in relation to the length is the Hocho Masamune.





Thanks Eric,


I knew this one but the Motokasane is only 5mm, which is not outstanding for a tanto.

It will be interesting to have Katanako's blade measurements.


In fact, he should have provided them from the start and not the overall length of the blade which brings nothing, we cannot compare the Katana width with the wakizashi's one for lack of data.


I have seen katana width (Hamachi) vaying from 25/26 mm to 35 mm ....... :)


OK Jean,


I got around to taking a couple of pics of my weird Monster Wak. From your discussions, it has been obviously been honed down.

If you have any more comments, please post them!


Thank you all for the enlightenment!







maybe you need to ask "How wide is it at the part where the blade begins?" (where the notches are) and "How wide is it at the tip?" (where the yokote line is) and "How thick is it at the base of the blade?" (where the notches in the tang are) and "How thick is it at the tip?" (where the yokote is and the blade flares sightly)


Katana-ko sorry if this is putting it too simply, I agree with Jean, the other dimensions will help us get a real idea of the "Monster" status of your wakisashi...


  • 4 weeks later...
Hi all...again, as an old geezer dredging up 30 year old memories, I recall a huge tachi on display in either Okayama or Kurashiki (I think). Perfect shape and dimensions except overall it was approaching 2 metres. Spectacular choji hamon and I think made as an offering by one of the Bizen Yokoyama smiths.


You powers of recollection do not fail you, or if they do there are two such tachi in Okayama. However, the large blade which sticks in my mind was one I saw in an out-of-the-way little shrine near Takamatsu (Saibata village). It was likewise a monster Tachi, which had been fashioned in the days of the Awa Puppeteers as an offering to Hachiman by the priests of Ebisu (as it was from the celebrations of the Hachiman Shrine from which the Ebisu Mai puppet dance was derived some time in the Heian Period).


It had clearly seen better days, and no-one working there could put a date to it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thats a very interesting wak. 8)


I have a clear memory of a monster katana in the old Rotunda (Woolwich Arsenal) It was surmised that a sumo wrestler had commissioned it as it was way too big for the average warrior to wave around.

It was placed under a normal proportioned katana, the difference was stark.

Wish I could see it again.

Just for interest my nagamaki naoshi is 31mm + 6.5mm thick + wide at the ha machi and 33mm at the yokote. 15.5" nagasa. Sorry I dont know how thick at the yokote.

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