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I was curious, if one has a sword polished, let's say for arguments sake that its just a finishing job to bring out details as the base of the original polish is still good and no pitting is present or major reshaping is required, but the habaki is tarnished and unattractive, or has rub marks or scratches from the old saya and use, yet it is still physically sound, is there a concensus on what should be done with it? Is there a tradition of restoration for habaki as well? 


G'day Kurt,

First item of business to lubricate the discussion is to please show us some good pictures of the sword...

Regards from Oz,


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Hello there,


Im just speaking from my own experience, because I have a sword with an “ugly” habaki. I am currently having a new habaki made, with shirasaya for this sword. I was told the habaki was hideous :laughing:(and I agree). Unlike your hypothetical question though, I plan to have this sword polished. I hope to keep the old habaki on the tsunagi with koshirae. 

That being said, I think the answer to your question lies in the sword itself. If the sword is very nice, it’s only natural that you’d want it to have a nice habaki. 

For the more experienced, has anyone seen a juyo blade with a plain copper habaki? If so, is that common? Just curious. 

Cheers and may the force be with you,





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