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Mythological exhibit

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G'day all,


I came across this exhibit at the Australian Maritime Museum in Sydney just this last week. It took me by surprise and I only had my mobile phone with me so I came back the next day with a decent camera and took the following shots. The museum's page is here: http://www.anmm.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=1598 and entry to the Mythology exhibit is free.










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A very interesting find as I've never been to the Maritime Museum. I've just received two 90 megabyte downloads in zipped format from http://drop.io/. I wasn't aware of this website, but the offer is "Optionally upload files (100 MB free per drop, upgrade for more) ". You could put all the images there and give us a link. BTW, your tsuba5 is signed GOTO someone - I opine gimei as the kanji is sloppy...


Best regards,


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Thanks for the site Baz, uploading as we speak, about an hour to go, we don't don't have an internet pipe up here, more like a straw....I'll post the link when she finishes.

Giving credit where it's due, I got the site info from Board Member Stephan Hiller.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Goldy, thank you for sharing these excellent shots.


Tengu are closely related to the art of swordsmanship. The legend says that Minamoto no Yoshitsune, when he was a boy, was taught by the mountain's Tengu "Sojobo" in the art of swordsmanship. There is a small book in German language by Reinhard Kammer: Die Kunst der Bergdämonen, a translation of the " Tengu-geijutsu-ron" by Shissai Chozan.


Albert Yamanaka in an interview:


Almost all students of swords become in the beginning Tengu. A Tengu is a mythical being in Japanese folklore who has a nose one foot long which is always stuck up in the air. Japanese call art collectors who do not know, but who profess to know "Tengu". These are people to whom you cannot tell anything, they will not study. So...see that you do not ever become a Tengu.





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Ipponbageta (with a single ha) are also known as 'Tengu' geta.


Konoe sensei has popularised their use recently and not just for martial artists and swordsmen but other athletes as well.


Apparently in olden times armed and strolling around on tengu geta was a clear warning you weren't to be trifled with.


There is a temple dedicated to Tengu called Yakuouin on top of Takaosan on the outskirts of Tokyo.


New Year's Day is a good time to climb the mountain on your tengu geta if you have a pair- and have the inclination. Takes about 4 hours.



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A pic of 'Tengu' geta. Speaking of geta, has anybody tried tetsugeta in their training. Around 18 years ago I welded up a pair according to a template I had and used them a bit. They were about six pounds each. There were certain exercises developed for them and some kata was done using them. I gave up using them fairly quickly as the straps really irritated my feet. I still have them as a novelty. John


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