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Sword Books,Sotheby Catalogues 1981, Magazines,Tsuba, Netsuke, Inro

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I recently inlibariated several book collections and am offering a couple of books you might be interested in.
Nihonto - Swords and Tosogu, Tsuba
1) Die Meister der japanischen Schwertzierathen - Shinkichi Hara, Hamburg 1902 -80€
2) The Connaisseurs Book of Japanese Swords - Kokan Nagayama - 65€
3) Tosogu no Kigen - Sasano Masayuki -90€
4) The Art of the Japanese Sword - Kapp and Yoshindo Yoshihara 45€
5) Japan Magazin - Die Seele des Samurai, März 2004 -25€
6) Sotheby & Co. - catalogue of the Bradford collection of Tsuba, 20th May 1975 -65€
7) Handbook of sword evaluation -jap. title -15€
8) Swords of the samurai - Victor Harris, Nobuo Ogasawara -25€
9) The Japanese sword - Kanzan Satō -35€
10) Swords of the samurai - Victor Harris, Nobuo Ogasawara -25€
11) Mokume Gane - Masaki Takahashi -15€
12) Meito in North America - Yagyu Tsuba,  NBThK AB -50€
13) Japanischer Titel -50€
1) Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Japanese Netsuke, Inro, Ojime, Laquer Wares and sculpture, Wednesday 4th March 1981 - 20€
2) Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Japanese Netsuke, Inro, Laquer and other works of art, Wednesday 15th July 1981 - 20€
3)Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Japanese Netsuke, Ceramics and other works of art, Thursday 17th December 1981 -20€
4) Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Fine Japanese Netsuke, Inro, Laquer wares and ceramics, Monday 1st of June 1981 -20€
5) Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Japanese Netsuke, Inro, Laquer and other works of art, Wednesday 9th September 1981 -20€
6) Netsuke - ein Brevier, HG Bunke - 10€
7) Sotheby‘s a collection of Netsuke, 26th of October 1981 -25€
8) Sotheby‘s Fine Netsuke, Inro, Ceramics, Laquerwares and works of art, 26th of October 1981 - 25€
If you buy all in one we will negotiate about a mega deal ;)
Shipping at best rates from France or Germany.



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