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No signature (Mumei)

There appears to be a glue like substance on the Nakago (tang), it also has an odd shape.  

The Habaki is very crude

The Kissaki isn't very well defined.  


This could be a mass produced WW2 era blade, but I am not knowledgable enough to determine and I am still learning myself.   


Well, you got me there!  I assume you're talking about the blade mune, not the nakago, right?


It's not something I've ever paid attention to.  I checked my files on my own gunto, but none of them show a good view of the blade mune.  I'm away from home, or I'd just go look.  Maybe someone else can chime in on that.


The nakago looks to have been reshaped, maybe to fit a specific tsuka?  You can see there are 2 older ana, and then the one closest to the machi has a new hole in the edge of it, likely for the latest tsuka.  


Just speculating, but there were many farmers in S.E. Asia that used WWII blades and refitted them with home-made handles for their farm work.  This could be something like that.


Another option is the old - Island-made sword.  I've tried to see a hamon, but it's either obscured by decades of environmental effects, or there isn't one.  Lack of a hamon would point to island-made (or fakery).

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I think you may be right about it being an island sword. I came across an interesting post regarding an island sword from the Philippines and he noted his handle was glued on as well.

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