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We know that myoga are a frequently found on tsuba.
But on one of mine there’s a peculiar daki-myoga to be seen and in vain I tried to research similar ones for comparison.




At the top there’s an appendage (probably blossoms).

It seems not to be a kamon because I haven't found it in the usual compilations.
Any suggestions?


Thanks, Florian

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Thanks for this example. So it seems indeed an unusual design.

Interestingly the Met Tsuba is in the Kyo Sukashi style like mine, too. So I dare the assumption that this type of myoga is specific to Kyo Tsuba.
But the reason for this remains hidden.


I want to clarify that the usually depicted Myoga (zingiber mioga) are the edible buds of this plant growing out of the rhizome. The blossom itself (on the left picture in between the stems) is shaped somewhat like an orchid.
So I became confused, why there are those peculiar appendages.

Mioga-zingiber1.thumb.png.e6feb936d3f50630d473c01d6b9f602a.png   Leiden_University_Library_-_Seikei_Zusetsu_vol._24_page_037_-__-_Zingiber_mioga_(Thunb.)_Roscoe_1804.jpg.631032991cd5811bc849512694f2f6b0.jpg



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