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Quick Kantei Quiz


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6 hours ago, Steve Waszak said:

Yagyu.  Late-17th century.  Theme likely having to do with luck/protection from harm.  Iris + mugwort (yomogi+shobu).


Steve nailed it fairly fast, and Peter posted a writeup that I didn't even know existed.

Top marks to both of you.

This little session went down a lot faster than I thought.

If work allows, I will post another one tomorrow.

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It may be pure coincidence, but the reading shoubu is the same for both 菖蒲 (Japanese iris) and 勝負 (victory and defeat, fight). I do remember that there are several items with puns in them (like a natsume with exactly 6 gourds drawn on it, called "mubyoutan" 六瓢箪, with mubyou 無病 also meaning "disease free", as a charm for good health).

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58 minutes ago, OceanoNox said:

It may be pure coincidence, but the reading shoubu is the same for both 菖蒲 (Japanese iris) and 勝負 (victory and defeat, fight). I do remember that there are several items with puns in them (like a natsume with exactly 6 gourds drawn on it, called "mubyoutan" 六瓢箪, with mubyou 無病 also meaning "disease free", as a charm for good health).


@OceanoNox  These little exercises often teach me something too. Thanks for sharing that.

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