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Things you cannot unsee

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Good afternoon, a friend of mine (I will not out him as he clearly does not know) displayed this sword and stated “this was taken off of a Japanese soldier in Iwo Jima. I almost believed it until I zoomed in. Why do people believe this crap?!? It’s clearly NOT a Japanese sword, however the story was believed and my friend still feels the piece “has so much history” that I just can’t say anything. I love this dudes show, but you guys have to see 😁


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Since the info can be obtained by a simple search of the posted image, it is Shawn Ryan of the podcast "The Shawn Ryan show" and the sword was supposedly given to him by Don Graves, a 98 year old vet who fought on Iwo Jima. Shawn claims the sword came from a Japanese soldier.


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Listening to the same people telling the same war stories, sometimes things evolve rather drastically after half a year. 

Less mud and s...t, more burning tanks and blazing machine guns.

Location shifts from no-one-remembers-where to a popular spot. The enemy multiplies and closes in for hand to hand combat.


I guess Mr. Sword somehow got involved in the process or maybe a son found it in his father's things and gave it to a friend with a story attached.

I think the box is cool though.

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As a retired military Explosives Expert, and a martial arts academy owner, my dojo is located literally right outside the Joint Expeditionary Base, I hear dozens and dozens of stories about “combat” this or that. It’s amazing that I almost never meet the Cook!
 But, I have personally given as a gift a nice “G.I. Field conversion” knife, made from a broken wakizashi recovered on Tarawa and taken home, to my Sensei who is a retired US Marine. He has it displayed at his academy in Oklahoma.

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If I had a nickel every time I heard that a gunto was "Recovered off the body of a Japanese officer", or "Found in the sands of Iwo Jima"...

I'd be able to afford a much more impressive nihonto collection :rotfl:.

I'm sure they are out there - but I have never seen a 'framed sword' that was worth removing from the frame for a closer look.


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