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Interesting Kozuka

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Hello gents!

I have a friend here who has had a Kozuka come into his shop.

He asked if I could obtain a translation and any information on the artisan. He would also like to know what the theme is and the general quality of the work. Lastly, he is wondering what a fair market price for such an item might.

Thanks for any and all opinions!




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Thank you Moriyama-san!

Now hopefully someone can piece the mei together. I would also appreciate your opinion on the workmanship. It looks decent to my eyes, but I am still not experienced enough to make such a call.

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Re the workmanship…..I think it stands a very good chance of being a shiremono ie mass produced using a cheap pressing as the face plate that is then multipatinted to mimic true mixed metal. Somehow it just doesn’t look “right” and it lacks the sharpness of detail that an inlaid piece would have. ………although that could be the image giving the wrong impression. Imo it does not look Goto and the Mei is terribly cut. You can also see the plating wearing off in several areas and very loosely applied gilding.

A possible way to tell is to insert your fingernail into the kogatana opening and feel for a folded over front edge on the faceplate. A proper kozuka face plate is thick and smooth on its reverse, a shiremono will usually have the front edge curved over to look like a thicker plate. Just an opinion, could be wrong.


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Hello Chris,


It is very difficult to appreciate the quality  from a photo..; the design is interesting, rarely seen and i do not find a similar in the goto schools books i have...at first glance we can have some doubt ...not very crisp details...but if you look to a goto with Hozon paper ...you also have some doubt....


Capture d’écran 2024-08-04 à 15.12.33.png

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Thank you all for the advice!

I've no horse in this race, just trying to get information for a friend. He will appreciate your sage words! I'll inform him of how to check.

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