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Ka Mon on Gendaito's Nakago

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rare to find Ka Mon on Japanese Gendai to 


it would be nice to collect more Gendai nakago here with this special feature...........



In this case a so called Cintamai / Nyoirin Kannonafter my research a "treasure pearl"that fulfills wishes


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and finally the most unusual piece, a highly crafted Tanto (by Hori Toshihide judgement by Han Bing Siong and Ogasawara Nobuo san)


in which the soul of a fallen Officer (captian  Kubota death in action on 21. sept. 1943)  was initiated into the blade and continues to exist there.


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Volker, I have no pictures to share but do appreciate the ones that you posted. I as you look forward to others posting pictures of their treasures. Thank you for sharing


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Ok, I have some.


The "Date" family crest on an 18th century blade:



There are the Tokugawa mon:                                                                9th Generation



The 1-leaf Tokugawa emblem


From Sesko: Eighth Tokugawa-shôgun Yoshimune (徳川吉宗), 1684-1751)” was “unhappy with the general decline in the quality of blades at his time … his project that peaked in the 1721” was a “sword forging contest.” “There were four winners selected, namely … Masakiyo … Yasuyo … the 4th generation Nanki Shigekuni (南紀重国) and the Chikuzen smith Nobukuni Shigekane (信国重包).” … “The tang bears the single leaf of the Tokugawa aoi crest granted to the winners of the contest.”



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